My heart pounded wildly at the recollection. “How do you know them?”
Darius folded his arms and leaned against a tree. “Admittedly, I don’t know themwell,unless you count the rumors I’ve heard. We’ve had an unpleasant interaction in the past, during which we had a rather large...disagreement.”
“You’re being rather vague,” I accused.
He sighed. “Indeed.” He nibbled his lip, as if deliberating how much to confide in me. “Blaze and Trinity are not only involved in the Ebony Market but are actively trying to destroy the balance of the Universe.”
My stomach plummeted. WasthatMother’s infamous plan?
“As you know, many Dreamers and Nightmares have been blessed with special powers—your mother can create new forms of magic; Trinity can search hearts; you can see, enter, and capture dreams. I also have a unique power, which Blaze and Trinity somehow learned of; I’m beginning to suspect Bolt told them. They asked me to join their cause in order to use it for themselves. I naturally refused. I firmly believe in the balance and will never actively try to disrupt it.”
“Even if it tips in the Nightmare Realm’s favor?”
His expression became extremely serious. “While I’m fascinated by this world I call home, I don’t believe it should eclipse the Dream Realm. Darkness and light must coexist equally.”
Despite his honorable explanation, I only latched on to the one bit of information he kept concealed. “What’s your special power?”
He frowned. “Is that really so important?”
“Please tell me,” I pleaded, feeling strangely desperate to know.
Darius’s grin was mischievous. “Being awesome? Incredible weaving talent? Startling good looks? I have an entire list.”
I rolled my eyes. “I knew I shouldn’t have expected a serious answer. Why won’t you tell me?”
“Because it’s not important. Don’t you care about what I’ve just said? Blaze, Trinity, and likely your mother are trying to destroy the Dream Realm. Doesn’t thatbotheryou?”
The all too familiar fear that seemed to be my constant companion seeped over me at the thought, causing me to lift my usual shield to protect myself—denial.
“While Mother admittedly has great interest in increasing both her powers and mine, I doubt she’d ever do so to the extent you’re suggesting, nor would Blaze and Trinity.”
Darius gaped at me. “Are you really defending them? Comets, Eden,why?”
“Because they’re all I have.” I suddenly found the forest’s mossy undergrowth more interesting than whatever pitying look I was sure now filled Darius’s eyes at my admission. At his extended silence, I finally risked a hesitant peek up at him. His hardened expression had softened, a look which did wonders for my heart.
“You need better relationships.”
I flinched at the reminder of all that I had lost—Stardust, Angel, Iris...and most horribly, him. “No one else wants me.”
His expression crumpled. “Iwant you.”
His sweet words made me lightheaded, a feeling which only grew when he stepped closer, enveloping me in his caramel-scented warmth. “You don’t want me,” I stammered. “You’ve turned away.”
“Never. I’ve merely been waiting as patiently as I can for you to turn back to me.”
He slowly took my hand with as much gentleness as if he were handling something fragile. That was me and my heart, easily breakable. But despite having already been broken, I wanted to trust myself to him again. It was the first time I’d felt such a feeling since my suspension, and I liked it.
“Please, Eden, let me help you. Please don’t push me away.”
He intertwined our fingers and mine instinctively tightened around his. Earlier I’d been staring jealously at Trinity and Blaze’s intertwined hands, and now I was holding Darius’s. I closed my eyes, analyzing the beautiful, warm sensations rippling up my arm. It was as incredible as I remembered.
“Ooh, are you holding hands? It appears I’ve arrived just in time.”
With a startled gasp, I yanked my hand from Darius’s warm grip and spun around to find Shade with her usual grin. I silently cursed her habit of showing up when she was least wanted.
“It’s not what it looks like,” I stammered.
Wait, I shouldn’t care that Darius had been holding my hand like I’d always wanted him to; it was better than having him holdherhand. My ever-present festering resentment thatshewas the one Darius chose to be with rather than me, despite the connection I felt towards him, returned full force.