Page 30 of Nightmare

“This is my new cloud, Stormy.” The introduction burned on my tongue, a reminder of not just Stardust’s abandonment but how quickly I’d replaced her. Shade squealed with childlike delight and immediately tickled beneath my cloud’s chin while Darius’s eyes widened.

“You mean you gave up on Glitter Ball so easily?”

“It’s been a week since she joined the Investigations Team and she still hasn’t come back.”

“That doesn’t mean she won’t. I’m sure she’ll return soon. One could never discard their precious relationship with you so easily, especially when they care so deeply.”

The smoldering way he looked at me made me wonder whether or not it was Stardust he referred to. The hope I just couldn’t kill once more blossomed within me. “You think so?”

“I do.” Sincerity filled his gaze. “Don’t give up, Eden. Things will get better. I promise.”

I embraced his words, but before I could internalize them Shade once more interrupted, her annoying talent. “Goodness, he’s so adorable.” She rubbed a purring Stormy’s underbelly, her eyes bright with delight. My heart tightened as Darius smiled fondly at her before exchanging a bemused look with me, which I naturally didnotreturn. His frown deepened in confusion.

Shade paused in spoiling Stormy with a gasp. “I just remembered we have somewhere to be. We’d best leave else we’ll be late.” She seized Darius’s hand before pausing and turning an excited look towards me, ignoring my glower at their clasped hands. “I have an amazing idea. Can Eden accompany us?”

I stiffened as Darius smiled. “If you want her to.”

Great, I was both a charity case and a way for Darius to please his significant other. Could my life get any worse?

Shade smiled at me expectantly, positively giddy, unaware of how torturous the thought of accompanying them was for me. “Do you want to come?”

Why would I want to willingly put my heart through an asteroid belt? “No.”

Her smile melted into a childish pout. “Why not?”

I nearly rolled my eyes. Because tagging along on Darius’s romantic outing with another girl wasexactlyhow I wanted to spend my day.

Darius frowned. “You don’t even know where we’re going. You’ll love it. We’re going to—”

“Don’t care,” I snapped. “It’s not the location I’m opposed to but the company.” I glared at him again.

His entire expression hardened. “You mean it’s your stubborn determination to push me away for no reason other than your own wounded pride.”

“I’m not pushing you away; you’ve pushedmeaway.”

He rolled his eyes. Meanwhile, Shade looked back and forth between us, near tears. “Why are you two fighting?”

“Ask Nemesis,” Darius snapped. “Now let’s go.”

“But Eden—”

“She doesn’t want to come.”

Shade sighed dejectedly. “Fine. Hopefully next time.” She started to drag him away, leaving me staring after them, my jealousy and yearnings swirling through me like a tornado. Yet despite my storm of emotions, my need to capture Darius’s attention one last time momentarily eclipsed my anger.


He paused to look back in surprise before his own annoyance softened into a sweet, smoldering look that made me feel lighter than I had since my suspension. “Yes, Eden?”

“Why haven’t you turned me in?”

An intensity filled his gaze, one that ignited my dormant heart. “How could you ever expect me to do anything to hurt you?”

And with that he left, leaving me more confused than ever.

Chapter 10

Seeing Darius again had caused my usual shield to falter, uncovering emotions I didn’t want to feel—my longing for him, the ache of missing him, the desire to be the person he believed me to be. For once I didn’t try to suppress them, but allowed them full rein to wreak havoc on my heart. It proved an unwanted distraction during the next night’s Weaving, one I wanted nothing more than to escape so I could be alone with these new and unwelcome thoughts.