Page 19 of Nightmare

Stardust eyed my growing smirk with apprehension. “I’m almost afraid to ask what your sudden dark look means.”

“One word:revenge. Every single nightmare I give that baby will cause him to wake up crying. His mother will not have a proper night’s sleep if I can help it.” The thought was so wonderful I actually giggled.

Stardust gawked at me before her expression crumpled. “You’re changing, Eden, and I don’t like it.”

My sinister smirk faltered at her words and caused my comatose conscience to stir and nudge me for its attention. “I’m not changing, I’m just being who I really am.”

“Trust me, this isn’t the real Eden.”

Her loss of faith in me tightened my heart. Unable to bear the disappointment and disapproval reflected there, I avoided Stardust’s eyes.

“Are you staying for the Weaving?”

“No.” And without another word, she zipped away.

I frowned after her before rummaging through my bag for my magical key and searched for the window’s invisible keyhole. I slid it inside, turned it soundlessly, and slowly eased the window open.

Easton’s mother had left, leaving him sleeping contentedly in his cradle...for now. But no matter how much I itched to start the Weaving, I was forced to wait for my unknown partner to arrive.

I settled cross-legged in the air, but I wasn’t waiting long before my partner slipped through the window I’d left ajar. “Good evening. What have I missed?”

I stiffened. I’d recognize that voice from my past anywhere. It was Angel’s Pair, Caspian, looking exactly as I’d last seen him—a vision of frothy ocean-blue hair, an outfit made from seaweed, and coral designs painted on his skin. His presence brought with it a wave of memories of happier times back in my old life with my old friends, memories too painful to think of now.

His blue eyes widened. “Eden?”

It took me a stunned moment to find my voice. “What are you doing here?” I demanded.

His shock melted into one of his goofy smiles. “I didn’t expectyouto be my weaving partner. I mean, you’re—” A thoughtful frown tugged at the corners of his mouth as he surveyed me, taking in my black outfit and the layer of black glitter coating my skin. “Wow, look at you. I almost didn’t recognize you. It’s good to see you again.” But his light tone didn’t quite reach his eyes as he brushed his hair away from them and extended his hand.

I didn’t take it. I couldn’t, not when I’d frozen. My heart pounded wildly as more of my carefully locked-away emotions traitorously unwittingly escaped.

“How are Angel and Iris? I haven’t heard from either of them since I left.”

Caspian’s smile faltered slightly. “Ah. Well, Angel—”

“She realizes I didn’t steal from her on purpose, doesn’t she?” I stumbled over my words in my frantic need to give the explanation I’d been desperate to release for far too long. “I would never do that. She’s my friend.”

Caspian made a show of slowly unpacking his weaving supplies in order to avoid my eyes. It wasn’t until his dream blueprint floated beside him and he’d threaded his weaving needle that he finally responded. “You know Angel. She’s quite passionate and—”

“Hasn’t she been getting my messages? I’ve written several explaining what happened, but they keep getting returned unopened. Has she been ignoring them?”

Caspian’s gaze wandered the room as he looked everywhere but at me. “I don’t know for certain, but...yes, I believe that’s exactly what she’s been doing.”

Cold disbelief seeped over me, leaving me shivering. My fists clenched. “What about Iris?”

“I don’t often see her,” Caspian said in a rush. “Ever since our Pair Ceremony, Angel and I live separately from her sister...”

He trailed off, but no more explanation was needed for me to realize that sweet, gentle Iris had also abandoned our friendship. It was too much to bear.

Hot anger tightened my chest. Caspian eyed my hardening expression warily. “She’ll be furious with me for telling you this, but if you’re that desperate to see Angel, you could linger after our Weaving, for we’ve arranged to meet up when we both finish.”

After months of aching to see my old friends, I felt my heart harden once more, as if it were being encased in ice. “Why would I want to see her if she refuses to give me the chance to explain myself?”

“Don’t be like that, Eden.” Caspian reached over to lightly nudge my shoulder, but I flinched away. He sighed. “Must girls be so dramatic? Just talk it out. You’re friends.”

“Wewerebefore your stupid Pair insisted on ending our friendship.”

Caspian’s jaw tightened. “Don’t talk about my Pair that way.” He glared at me a tense moment before he gave me a rather dark look. “I was initially worried about this assignment; this is the first time I’ve had a second Mortal to weave for in the same night. But after last night’s successful weaving, having prepared some excellent dream blueprints, and havingyouas my partner...I’m not worried in the least.” He smirked.