The longer I went without seeing Darius, the more difficult it became to trust he would really want me, and without his assurances the more tempted I became to work harder to earn Mother’s approval, because now that I’d tasted a bit of kindness from her, I only wanted more.
Finally Caspian arrived at one of our Weavings with a triumphant grin. “It’s all arranged: after our Weaving, you’ll meet Angel and Iris at the park we used to picnic in.”
A flutter of anticipation tickled my stomach. Other than my excursion to the Dream Forest with Shade several weeks earlier, this would be my first visit to the Dream Realm since my suspension.
I nibbled at the end of one of my black fingernails as my stomach knotted in anticipation and nerves. After all this time, I was not only going to see my old friends whom I’d fiercely missed, but return to the world I still considered home, a place I’d dreamed about ever since being torn from it.
“Do Angel and Iris seem excited to see me?”
Caspian shrugged. “They don’t know about your visit.”
I gaped at him. “Theydon’t? Caspian, the deal was for me totalkwith them. How can you guarantee they’ll converse with me?” I’d been foolish to trust him.
He held up his hands in an appeasing gesture. “Relax. I promised you’d get to talk with them and you will, but Angel still has a lot of rage. Not knowing she’s going to meet with you beforehand is the best guarantee you can meet with her at all.”
My jaw tightened. “For your sake I hope you’re right, else I’ll never allow Easton to see a dream of yours. Ever.”
“You’ll get to talk with her, I promise.” Despite his assurances, he fidgeted, which didn’t inspire much confidence in his scheme.
I was distracted the remainder of the Weaving, a poor performance that nearly caused me to lose. After I barely scraped a win, Caspian told me to meet him in the park in a half hour’s time before departing. Moments later Stardust arrived.
“We’re going to the Dream Realm,” I told her.
Her entire manner lit up. “You mean you’ve finally realized what I’ve been telling you for ages: that you don’t belong here?”
“It’s just for a visit.” Though I couldn’t deny I hoped my stay would eventually be longer.
As Stardust soared through the sky tinged with rosy dawn, I explained my deal with Caspian. When I finished she sighed. “I truly hope your visit goes well, but...don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t.”
I stiffened. “What do you mean?”
“I’m simply concerned. Angel has been avoiding you for this long, and considering she’s made no effort to reconcile, she likely thinks the worst of you. I doubt she’ll listen to your explanation. For your sake, I greatly hope I’m mistaken.”
I’d never wanted Stardust to be wrong about anything as much as I did now. Even though I knew mere words wouldn’t be enough to erase all of Angel’s pain and anger, I still hoped it’d be a start to rekindling all we’d lost.
Reentering the Dream Realm was like awakening from an eternal slumber. Color swarmed my senses even as warmth bathed me with all the wonder and magic I hadn’t experienced since leaving. Every area we soared past was like revisiting old, familiar friends, each of which triggered a swarm of memories from the time when I was happy.
We flew past rainbow bridges and turrets tinged with sunrise, white meadows dotted with star-shaped flora, the forest of roses permeating the air with its sweet perfume, and all the shops I used to frequent—Sugarplums and Gumdrops, Mirror Mirror, and especially Teacups and Treats, where I’d spent many pleasurable afternoons dining on cups of delicious floral teas, plates of sweets, and bowls of nebula cream. There was so much light and color, all which caressed my senses with their vibrancy.
Stardust took several back roads and secret shortcuts to reach the park I’d spent hours poring over my dream journals and planning Weavings. My heart swelled as we entered. Dawn bathed the lawn in light and danced across the cascading waterfall filling the air with its symphony of music. Sitting on the dappled lawn beside Caspian, their feet soaking in the frothy pools of the falls, sat Angel and Iris.
I stared hungrily at my two former best friends. It was as if no time had passed since I’d last seen them. Angel had painted her nails tangerine orange to match her newest cupcake dress, her bubblegum-pink hair tied back in a messy bun with a string of licorice, while Iris still wore a petal dress that made her look like a flower and fiddled with the ends of her wavy fern-colored hair as she conversed.
Caspian noticed me at first and his eyes widened in feigned shock. “Eden, what a surprise.”
Angel and Iris both jolted and twisted around to gawk at me. I relaxed my tense posture at Iris’s timid but sweet smile but stiffened again when I caught sight of Angel’s glare, which she quickly turned on Caspian.
“What’s she doing here?”
Caspian shrugged, attempting to appear confused but failing dismally. “I have no idea.”
Angel rolled her eyes. “Don’t give me one of your stories; you know perfectly well you can’t lie to me. You planned this meeting, didn’t you?”
Caspian bit his lip guiltily before his shoulders slumped. “Very well, I did.”
Angel gave him a look like he’d just betrayed her. “How could you? You know how much I hate her.”
My chest tightened at her sharp words. No, she couldn’thateme. She was only upset, but surely I could fix this. Ihadto.