Humming to herself, she searched her many pockets until she procured a spoon, into which she poured a bubbling amber liquid. Darius eyed it with apprehension.
“Shade, I really don’t want—”
His protests were cut short as she shoved the spoon into his mouth. Darius’s face curdled as if he’d just tasted the most revolting medicine. His disgust was entirely lost on Shade, who eagerly clasped her hands. “Can you smell discovery?”
Darius managed to swallow and started coughing. “Comets, what did you give me?”
“The smell of least, IthinkI did.” She frowned at the bottle still in her hand. “Hmm...”
“That wasn’t the smell of discovery, that was...” He shuddered.
Shade sighed dejectedly. “Oh dear, I messed up again and tormented you in the process.”
He managed a friendly look. “Not to worry. Since I’m not poisoned, there’s no harm—” He caught sight of me over her shoulder and his entire manner paled. My heart lurched as our gazes met, but despite having been caught I didn’t look away. I couldn’t.
“What is it?” Shade swiveled around. Her entire manner brightened when she spotted me. She bounced to her feet. “It’s Eden! Come join us.”
She waved me over but I didn’t move, nor did Darius. We continued staring hungrily at one another, Darius’s stunned gaze caressing every inch of my face, as if no matter how many times he looked he couldn’t get enough.
Shade bounced on her heels as she looked back and forth between us, her smile wide. “Don’t hover behind that tree, Eden. And stop gawking, Darius. It’s impolite.”
He snapped his mouth shut but still didn’t sever his gaze. My heart tugged me closer and I slowly ventured into the clearing, each step weighted like I was slogging through mud until I stood directly in front of him, where we continued staring at one another. As I searched his eyes, I saw reflected within them the same emotion constantly gnawing my heart:pain.
Shade continued looking back and forth between us, her easy smile soon replaced by an impatient pout. “You two are acting quite strangely. This is no way to forge a friendship.”
“We’ve met before,” Darius managed.
Shade’s already wide eyes widened further. “Are you referring to last week in the park?”
Darius said nothing for a long moment. “We used to be weaving partners, before—” Distress marred his expression as he swallowed the remainder of his words and severed our gazes, leaving me feeling both relieved and empty.
Shade gasped. “Edenis the partner you became so close to before she was suspended?” She rested a light hand on Darius’s arm.
He glared at the ground and didn’t answer. Shade turned her puzzlement towards me. I forced myself to nod, bracing myself for her to reject me like everyone else did after learning of my past...but she only smiled again.
“From what I’ve heard you two were very close. How lovely you’re able to become reacquainted.”
Darius squeezed his eyes shut, his expression taut. “I have to go.” He shook Shade’s hand off and hurried past me, brushing against me as he did so. A jolt of heat rippled over me at his contact, bringing with it the familiar magical connection between us I hadn’t felt in so long. He must have sensed it, too, for he froze and slowly faced me, a tumult of emotions raging in his eyes.
For a moment he simply stared before reaching out to lightly brush my cheek, only once. I shuddered at his touch and leaned towards it, towards him. “Darius...” I moaned.
He dropped his hand. “It’s good to see you again, Eden.” And he left.
I had the strangest urge to call him back in order to keep him with me a bit longer, but shyness stilled my tongue. I watched him disappear into the trees, fighting not to hurry after him in order to seize hold of him.
Shade sighed behind me, and when I’d calmed enough not to say something I’d regret, I turned around to find her frowning in the direction Darius had gone. “Oh dear, seeing you again brought him a lot of pain. He just can’t let you go.”
I gaped at her, unsure whether we were having what promised to be an unpleasant conversation about me and her Pair’s past relationship. After what she’d just witnessed between us, didn’t she suspect it may have been somethingmorethan friendship? I could still feel the shadow of his touch on my skin as well as his smoldering gaze as it connected with mine.
Shade’s frown deepened as she glanced at me. “You haven’t let him go either.”
Guilt caused my cheeks to flame. “There’s nothing between us,” I said hastily. “There never was.”
Why was I trying to assure her? Therehadbeensomethingbetween us...or so I’d thought. After all, we’dkissed. Granted it had only been once and likely not as often as Darius and Shade had...ew. I shuddered and forced myself to shove that horrific image away.
Shade rolled her eyes. “That wasn’tnothing, Eden. There’ssomethingbetween you two, and it’s obvious thatsomethingstill exists.”
“Nothing romantic.” Why was I lying to protect Shade’s blissful fantasy world? Shouldn’t she know about her Pair’s previous disloyalty?