Page 6 of A Bossy Night

“So,” he said. “What brings you to the Big Island? Are you looking for love?”

“Running away from it actually.” Lily took a sip. “My fiancé and I were supposed to be here together on our honeymoon, but I found him having sex with someone else exactly one week ago, so now I’m here drowning my sorrows in over-priced liquor and maybe…” She lowered her voice so only the bartender—and I—could hear. “Just maybefind a man who can make me forget all about my no-good, bastard of an ex.”

The bartender made a show of flexing his muscles as he lifted his hand and ran it through his hair. “Maybe,just maybe, that guy could be me.”

Lily smiled, then reached over and put a hand on my shoulder. “Sorry,” she said. “But you’re just not my type. I have a thing for broody men. Like this guy. The guy who sits alone at the bar and who doesn’t hold the elevator even for a pretty girl.”

“I tried,” I explained for the third time that night. “I just hit the wrong button.”

“Shh,” Lily said. “Why are you trying to ruin this for yourself?”

“Seriously dude,” the bartender piled on. “The girl just said she was into you, don’t talk her out of it.”

Typically, I didn’t like being told what to do—especially by meat-head bartenders who were just trying to pick up the same woman I was quickly developing a little crush on. But at that moment he was right. Lily had not only just told me I was her type, but she still had her hand on my back, and now she was running her fingers along my shoulder blade, making little sensual circular patterns while staring at me with a look that told me all I needed to know about how this night was going to proceed.

Assuming I played my cards right that is.

“Broody?” I said to her, as the bartender took his cue and went to serve the girls at the other end of the bar. “It’s not the first word I would use to describe myself, but for how I’m feeling tonight, I would say it’s more or less apt.”

“Rough day?”

“Rough year.” I took a sip of my drink and looked at her. “What about you? How’s paradise been treating you?”

Lily sighed and shook her head, causing her slightly curled blond locks to dance across her bare shoulders and back again. “Besides the fact that I was supposed to be getting married tomorrow?” She laughed. “It’s been great. Honestly, I know that sounds like I’m being sarcastic, but I am having a pretty good night. Although, I did just get in a fight with one of my friends, so that’s put a damper on my mood.”

“What was the fight about?”

“Nothing. It was so stupid. I felt like she was spending the whole night on her phone, which shealwaysdoes lately. So, I grabbed it as a joke, and she freaked out. Whatever—Rose will get over it.” She brought her hand up to my shoulder and squeezed. “In the meantime, I couldreallyuse a distraction. The alcohol has been serving me pretty well up until now to keep my mind off things, but I was thinking about cutting myself off to avoid my third wicked hangover in a row.”

“If you cut yourself off now, what will you use to distract yourself for the rest of the night?”

She smiled at me. “I was hoping to use you.” She continued to move her hand, sliding down the front of my chest, before she found a place to rest her warm palm, high up on my thigh. “If you want, that is. They let me check into the honeymoon suite early—and there’s a bath that’s big enough for two.”

I looked around to see where my brothers were, and I soon spotted them doing shots a ways away with Kyle, so I knew they would be preoccupied for the rest of the night. They probably wouldn’t even notice I was gone.

I reached down and took Lily’s hand into mine. “Lead the way.”

She slid out of the stool, letting the hem of her dress inch up on her legs in the process so that I could get a good look at how long and smooth they were.

Then, she started to walk away pulling me along for the ride.

* * *

Lily didn’t waste much time getting started.

Inside her suite, she went right to her bathroom and began to run the water in the jacuzzi tub. I took a moment to appreciate the layout of her suite, which was quite a bit bigger than my own, before I heard her voice softly calling out to me.

“Hey,” she said. “Whatever your name is. You coming or what?”

It was at this point that I realized I never told her my name. I chuckled and walked into the bathroom to find she had already stripped down to her bra and panties and had her feet dipped into the bath, which was slowly filling up with steaming water. I could tell she had a good body when I spotted her at the bar, but I didn’t realize how good until I saw more of it. Her skin was on the pale side, and clear, save for a few patches of freckles running across her nose, cheeks, and funny enough, down one side of her ribs. Her toes were painted the same color as her fingernails, and when she reached up to tie her hair back in a messy bun, a few strands escaped and framed her stunning, heart-shaped face.

“I already washed my hair today,” she explained. “So try not to get me too wet.”

I took a step into the bathroom. “No promises.”

This made her smile. She took her feet out of the tub and tip-toed over to me. “Now then, I think we’ve got a few minutes before the bath is full. Would you prefer to pour yourself a drink, or shall we just get started?”

Instead of answering with words, I wrapped my arms around her bare waist and pulled her in close. Our lips locked and I wasn’t sure I’d ever tasted anything so sweet as her. She pressed her body against mine, and I felt myself get hard. She reached her hand down to the waistband of my pants and began to rub me outside the clothes. But I wanted to explore her body first, so I gently moved her hand out of the way and then went about unhooking her tiny bra and sliding her out of her even tinier panties.