Page 16 of A Bossy Night

“When was that?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know, last week maybe?”

“There you go! That’s proof. I called her last week and the week before, and she didn’t call me back. But she has enough time to talk to you. Convenient, don’t you think?”

Gina laughed. “I think you’re probably reading too much into this, but either way, this is between you and Rose. You know I don’t like to be dragged into other people’s drama. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I am going to go get myself a drink.”

She walked over to the bar, and Rosa and I made small talk until she came back. She sat down across from us and exhaled loudly before taking a sip of her drink. “Ahhh. Oh man, I needed that. I was sitting in traffic for so long, you guys have no idea. That’s why I’m late. I don’t know how you locals do it.”

“Yeah, you get used to it,” said Rosa. “Or, at least, some people do. I hate it too, though. Lily tells me your brother lives in Santa Cruz. I would love to go visit that cute little town more often, but as you experienced, the traffic is brutal. I can’t stand sitting in the car for too long.”

“I’m a big road tripper, so it doesn’t normally get to me,” said Gina. “But let’s just say Northern California drivers are a whole different breed, and I’m just glad to have a drink in my hand. Now.” She looked at me. “Lily, I want to be polite and ask you how your new job is and how it is living in your new city, but if we’re being perfectly honest, I don’t care very much about any of that since you texted me earlier today to tell me that you are working for the same man you hooked up with in Hawaii.I need details!”

“So do I,” said Rosa. “You haven’t told me any of this!”

“In my defense,” I said. “This is the first time we are hanging out. When would I have had the time to tell you about this?”

Rosa laughed. “Fair enough. But still, I’m very intrigued. I want to know everything.”

I took some time giving Rosa the backstory that Gina already knew about, and once everyone was up to speed, I got into the events of this last week. I told them how he insulted me when we first saw each other in the offices, how I’d been dodging him ever since, and how not half an hour ago, I just spotted him and his brother walking out of this very same bar.

“He washere?” Gina asked. “That’s crazy! Of all the bars he decided to go to, and all the ones you and Rosa could’ve chosen, you end up at the same one! That’s gotta be a sign, right?”

“Not that you need another sign,” said Rosa. “I think him being your new boss is the biggest, brightest, flashing neon sign you’re ever going to get.”

“Didn’t you hear what I told you guys? He was so rude to me that first day. Nowthat’sa sign. A sign that he and I are not meant to be anything other than co-workers. Not even friends. I am not going to get involved with another jerk, not after what happened with Bret.”

“No offense,” Gina said. “But it sounds like you’re projecting a little. Not every guy is going to be like Bret. You have to give this guy a chance.”

I shrugged. “David had his chance and he blew it, end of story.”

“That doesn’t sound like the Lily I used to know,” Gina said. “What happened to the girl who wanted the white picket fence and who had her wedding dress picked out when she was in eighth grade?”

“That Lily is no more,” I said. “I know the old me used to believe in true love and fairy tales. I used to love watching romantic comedies and stuff, but after what happened with Bret, I think I have to be more… realistic. That type of love story doesn’t happen in real life, and if I let myself start looking for signs from the universe or whatever, I feel like I’m just going to end up with a broken heart.Again. So, from now on, I am going back to being my practical self. No falling for handsome jerks, no one night stands. I’m just going to focus on me and my job, and nothing else. I can have a white picket fence without having a husband, you know.”

“Boring,” Gina said. “No offense, but you’re taking one of the most exciting things that have probably ever happened to you and making it boring. All I’m saying is if I were you, I would be chasing this guy down likethatwas my job. Speaking of, this guy was in Hawaii with all his brothers, right?”

“Uh yeah,” I said. “Why?”

“I think I might’ve met one of the brothers that night as well. My memory is a little fuzzy because I did have a lot of drinks, but I was pretty sure the cute guy I was talking to said he was in town with his brothers for a wedding.”

“I only know two of his brothers,” I said. “The two that currently work at the company with David. Adam and I think the other one is named Matt. Do those names ring any bells?”

She shook her head. “No. Not really. I feel like it started with an E. Or maybe an I… I don’t know. What’s their last name?”

“Becker,” I said. “As in Becker Tech. The company I work for.”

She laughed. “That would make sense.” Then she furrowed her brow and repeated the last name a couple of times. “Becker. Now thatdoessound familiar but not from that night in Hawaii. I think my brother is friends with a guy whose last name is Becker. I’d have to text him to make sure, but I wonder if there’s any relation.”

“Becker isn’t an uncommon last name,” Rosa said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same family.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” She laughed. “Now here I am looking for signs from the universe and trying to write my own epic tale of romance since this one—” She pointed to me. “—is dead set on just ignoring the one that is unfolding right in front of her.”

I smiled at Gina, then stood up out of the booth. “I already stated my case. I am done dating, I’m done with all of it. I have a career to focus on and that’s more than enough for me, so I would really appreciate it if you could just get on board.”

Gina sighed. “Fine. I’m on board.”

“Good,” I said. “Then I will go and get us the next round, and in the meantime, you two find a new topic of conversation because frankly, I’ve grown quite bored with this one.” I tapped my hand on the table to underline my point, then walked over to the bar, and bought us each a strong, fruity drink, something I was sure would put me in a better mood.