Page 8 of Forbidden Crush

“You already know everything,” he said. “All that I told you on the phone was true. The company needs your help, and Jonah does too. He’s lost interest in his work, and it’s starting to show. And what worries me the most, is every time I try to bring up the idea of making any changes, he tells me that it’s his company now and he’s the one in charge. I get it, he wants to run things his own way. I respect that. At least, I’m trying to respect it. But sometimes I think he would benefit from… taking a step back. Re-evaluating things. And that’s what you’re here to help him do. You’re an ideas woman, and that’s what we need right now. New, innovative ideas.”

“Then why do I get the feeling that everyone here thinks I got this job because you begged Jonah to hire me?” I laughed. “I mean, I can handle the accusations of nepotism, that was to be expected, but what I don’t like is people suggesting that Jonah is doing me some huge favor by letting me join the team.”

“Who said that?” My dad’s eyes flashed with anger.

“It doesn’t matter,” I said. “I’m not trying to snitch; I’m just trying to learn the truth.”

“Alright, alright. Fair enough. Look, because Jonah can be so stubborn, I had to get a little crafty about asking him to hire you. I may have made it seem likeyouneeded a job, and that by doing this he would be helping me and the family out… a lot.”

I scoffed. “That’s great. So, Jonah thinks I’m a charity case. Fantastic.”

“He won’t anymore, though!” My dad said. “Once he sees how amazing you are at your job.”

I shook my head at him. “I really wish you hadn’t lied to me.”

He looked at me dead on. “Would you have come back to Boston if I had tried to sell the job to you in any other way?”

I got up out of the chair and walked behind my desk, not wanting to answer his question. “Look, I have to get a few more things done before it’s time for me to go to lunch.”

“Understood,” he said. He stood up and started to walk out. Then he stopped. “I’m sorry if you feel like I lied to you, but just know, SHDC really does need you. Let Jonah think he’s doing us all a big favor, who cares. What matters is getting this company back on track, and you’re the person for the job. I know it.”

He smiled at me once more, then left without saying another word.

I let out a heavy exhale, sat down in my oversized desk chair, and tried to get back to work.

* * *

In the lobby, I saw Jonah before he saw me.

I had just ducked into the bathroom to the right of the elevators, to make sure my hair was laying as it should and to touch up my lipstick, and when I walked out, there he was, hands in his pockets, looking out the window onto the busy Boston street. I pulled my shirt down, pushed my shoulders back, and walked right up to him, tapping him on the shoulder.

“Hey there,” I said.

He turned and smiled at me. “Oh, uh. Hi.” He balked. “It’s you. You’re the woman I saw getting into the elevator this morning.”

He remembers me from that?

I didn’t want to read too much into it, but it was a very short interaction, in which neither of us said a word. If he remembered that, that could only mean one thing.

He thought I was worth remembering.

I can work with that.

“Oh, did we run into each other this morning? I don’t recall.” I was lying through my teeth. “How funny!”

He was still smiling. “I was about to ask you your name,” he said. “I wasn’t sure if you and I had ever met before.”

“We have,” I said. “Although I looked a lot different back then. I had braces for a while, and my hair was dyed with these terrible chunky blond highlights.” I shivered. “It was just one awkward stage after the next, but oh well. At least I outgrew it.”

Jonah frowned and then a light bulb seemed to go off. “Wait a second, Katrina Stevens?”

I laughed. “Everyone calls me Kat, but yeah. It’s me. In the flesh.”

He shook his head. “Wow. I mean—wow. I did not realize that it was you. Why didn’t you say anything when you passed me earlier?”

I smiled, shyly. “I guess I didn’t recognize you either.”

He ran a hand through his hair. “I know, I know. I’m going a little grayer, and I’m sure the years are showing on my face as well.”