Page 62 of Forbidden Crush

But she didn’t answer me. Instead, she just dragged me out the door, grabbing her car keys on the way, while Vic closed the door behind us.

Chapter Twenty-Two


“Hello, Mr. Hollis,” the pilot said to me as I approached the plane. She was wearing a smart black pantsuit and her graying hair was tied back in a tight bun. “How are you doing this evening?”

“Very well, thank you,” I said. “Is everything ready for take-off?”

“We have one more safety check to get through, and then we should be good. We can take off a little early if you’d like.”

“That would be great. It’s a long flight.”

“That it is, sir. But our flight attendants are already on board, and they would happily get you a drink or something to eat before we take off, if you’d like.”

I nodded. “Fantastic.”

The pilot motioned for me to go ahead up the stairs first, so I did. At the top, I took a second to admire the private jet that SHDC rented for international flights. Really, I was trying to psych myself up for a trip that I was actually not looking forward to at all. I didn’t want to be flying alone or staying in my penthouse suit in Japan all by myself. I wanted to be with Kat, that had been the plan all along, and stepping on the plane without her just felt… wrong.

“Is everything alright, Mr. Hollis?” the pilot asked.

“Oh, yeah,” I said, smiling over my shoulder at her. “Everything is fine. Thank you.” I pushed my feelings aside, got on the plane, and put my bag in the overhead bin above one of the plush, first-class style seats. There was also a cabin in the back with a couch of sorts that folded out into a bed, in case I got tired during the flight. But I had never been good at sleeping on planes, so I figured it made the most sense to get settled in one of the regular seats.

“Sir,” one of the flight attendants said, walking over to me as I took my seat.

“Yes,” I said with a smile. “Hi. I would love to get a gin and tonic if you have a chance.”

“Of course,” she said. “But I’m actually here to tell you that there’s people outside on the tarmac.”

“What?” I frowned. “Who?”

“Well—two women,” she said. “And a young girl who claims to be your daughter. They stopped me as I was walking up the stairs, but for security purposes, I told them they were not allowed to come onto the plane. I’m not even sure how they got out here, really. They don’t have tickets.”

“Victoria is here?” I said this mostly to myself, getting up out of my seat and going to see for myself. I stepped into the open doorway of the plane and looked down at the bottom of the staircase. There stood Victoria, Becca, and Kat.


I felt my chest tighten, in a good way, and before I could stop myself, a big smile spread across my face. I laughed. “What are you doing here?”

“Vic came to get me,” Kat said. I ran down the stairs and was about to hug her but hesitated.

“You two have to talk,” Vic said. “Becca and I will go.” She flung her arms around my waist. “I love you Dad, please don’t be mad that I snuck out and went to Kat’s house.”

“You what?”

“You can punish her when you get back,” Becca said. “And I’ll make sure she gets home okay.”

“But—” Kat started to say, but then Becca gave her a look that I couldn’t quite read.

“Call me if you need anything,” Becca said to her friend, reaching out to squeeze her hand. “But I have a feeling you won’t.”

Becca and Vic then walked away, back towards the airport, leaving me there with my jaw hung open and Kat cradling her arms, which were only covered with a thin long-sleeve t-shirt.

“Kat,” I said, sliding my jacket off and handing it to her. “What’s going on?”

She took the coat but didn’t put it on right away. “Do you remember what you said to me Friday night?”

“Uh—some of it.”