Page 50 of Forbidden Crush

I was about to toss the covers off and go join him in the shower when another, less fun, memory from last night floated through my mind. I had been talking to Becca in the other room, coaching her on how she should break up with Paul, since that’s what she told me she hadfinallydecided to do, when she asked me if I had any tampons in my purse.

I frowned at her and said I didn’t think I did but went to check anyway. There were no sanitary products of any kind to be found in my purse, and as I dug around, it occurred to me that it had been a while since I’d gotten my period. I started to do some mental math, had what can only be described as a little freak-out moment, but then I realized how ridiculous I was being and put all worries aside for the evening.

I was on birth control. Plain and simple.

I had been going in to get my hormone shots every three months, like clockwork. This had been my chosen method of contraceptive because it didn’t require anything for me to remember daily. It gave me the freedom to forget all about birth control for three months at a time, then every third month, my doctor’s office would give me a call with an appointment reminder, and everything would be taken care of for another 12 weeks. My doctor hadn’t called me yet, and since that office was always so on top of things and they had never let me down, I knew I had nothing to fear. They would call me when it was time for my shot, and that meant I was up to date, and thereforecould notbe pregnant.

With this newfound confidence, I listened and heard that the water was still running, so I decided to go see if Jonah wanted some company. The bathroom was steamy, and I could only make out the vague shape of him through the foggy glass walls of the shower.

“Kat?” he called out when the door shut.

“Who else would it be?” I said, playfully.

“Sorry, do you need to use the bathroom? I’ll get out in just a second—”

“Don’t bother.” I opened the door to the shower, and he looked out at me with a smile spreading across his lips. I had been sleeping nude, so standing in front of him now, I was still completely naked. His eyes scanned my body and I watched him get aroused in real time. Picking up one foot, I delicately stepped inside the shower and tousled my hair a little. “I really need to wash up,” I said. “I feelso dirty.”

“Maybe I can help with that,” Jonah said. He grabbed the bar of soap and rubbed it in his hands a few times, then reached out for me and started sudsing me up all over. First, he started with my breasts, and with his slippery hands ran around them in circles. My nipples became hard and I let out a soft gasp. Then he reached around my back and gently danced his soapy fingertips down my spine before cupping my ass and pulling me close.

His lips pressed against mine and our tongues found each other, like old friends that had been apart for much,muchtoo long. We made out for a while, then he pulled away, but not before biting my bottom lip and sending a shiver throughout my whole body.

“I think I’m clean enough now,” I said. “So how about you dirty me up again?”

He didn’t need to be told twice. He spun me around so that I was under the water and helped me rinse off the soap. Once it was all gone, and we were just two wet bodies standing together amongst the steam, we started to pleasure each other with our hands. The water from the shower made it easier for me to run my palm along his member, as well as for him to slide his fingers inside of me. We locked eyes for a moment, and in doing so, we got to enjoy the look of unbridled desire that had taken over each of our faces. His mouth parted and a soft moan escaped his lips as I reached down lower and cupped his balls gently in my hand.

After a few seconds more of playful touch, he pushed my hand out of the way and gently moved me backwards so that my back was pressed up against the one wall of the shower that was tile instead of glass. The tiles were a little colder than I was expecting, but I didn’t mind. Then he reached between my legs and ran his hand down the length of my thigh, lifting it up in the air.

“Do you think you’re flexible enough?” he asked me.

I smiled. “Try me.”

He was able to hike my leg up so that it was draped over his bent arm, which was quite a feat considering our height difference. I was stretching my hamstring to its limit, but even that slightly painful sensation was erotic within the given context. When he pressed his pelvis against mine, we found that with my leg up as such, we were at the perfect angle.

He kissed me again, this time not as quickly and not as aggressively. Then, with our lips together, I reached down and guided him inside me. This position required Jonah to make slower, smoother movements. The shower wasn’t exactly the safest place to be trying out new positions, but he had a good grip on me, and I knew he wouldn’t let me fall. He moved around with such delicacy that I felt him in a way I’d never felt a man before. I got to know him, I got to feel every inch of him, and I got the sense that he was taking his time so that he could get to know me like that as well. So that he could appreciate every part of my body. After what felt like only a second and also a lifetime, he arched his back, and I could tell he was near climax. I expected him to finish quickly, and so I tried to speed up my own pleasure process and meet him at the finish line, but then he stopped kissing me and looked me in the eye. Still inside me, he took the arm that had been wrapped around my back and brought it around the front so that his hand could cup my cheek. He kissed me, once, softly. Then ran his hand down the length of my body, stopping to caress my breast, before slipping his thumb between my legs and pressing on my pleasure point.

Sliding his finger around in gentle, methodic circles, he began to slowly thrust again, and I couldn’t believe how good it felt. Being stimulated both internally and externally was more than I knew what to do with. I gripped his back and got lost in the ride. My eyes rolled back in my head, and I let out what can only be described as a joyful scream.

We finished together, at almost the exact same time, but when we were done, I didn’t let go of him right away. I didn’t want to let go of the feeling of our warm bodies pressed against each other.

Not yet.

Not yet.

He ended up being the one to pull away. He smiled at me, pushed some of my wet hair back from my face, and then without saying a word, he went back under the water and started to rinse off. I stepped out of the shower and realized that my legs had actually gone a little weak. It was as if the orgasm had started in the center of my body and then slowly radiated out. It was only now reaching my fingers and toes, and my head was still swimming slightly from the overwhelming sensation of it all.

Back in the bedroom, I laid down again, getting Jonah’s sheets all wet, and closed my eyes for a second, just trying to catch my breath.

A thought began to form in my brain.

I love…

But then my eyes snapped open, and I was able to shove the thought away just in time.

I love having sex.

And that’s all this was, I reminded myself. This was just fun; this was just sex.

This was just really good, earth shattering, life changing sex.