I sniff the air, catching the wet fur and wolf scents on the upwind. I pause near a rock ledge on the side of the hill with a deadly sharp decline. At the base, three wolves search the area. The rain should have covered my scent, but Lucien is right. We can’t risk it.
Gradually, I ease backward, stepping out of sight before I turn and make my way back to the cave. I rush past lofty trees and jump over shrubs. My heart beats faster that we had let our guard down by sleeping in so long. Low branches swipe over me, droplets from the storm splash across my face.
A sudden howl shatters the peace. The echo of paws pounding the ground fills the air, growing stronger the more I listen.
They’ve picked up on my scent.
I throw myself forward faster, the cave coming into view and still no sign of Lucien and Meira.
A growl thunders past my throat, a warning to Lucien, and I pray he helped Meira transform.
We’ve just run out of time.