Chapter 15


I’m lost to fear, staring at the white wolf lunging right at me.

My legs won’t move. My scream wedges in my throat.

There’s no sign of Bardhyl in those deep, green eyes. Just his wild animal side.

Lucien drives a hand across my stomach and shoves me behind him, while he and Dušan intercept.

They leap at the wolf, each colliding into Bardhyl.

I retreat, my heart about to give out as the three of them land in a great heap feet away from me. An explosion of growls pierces the air, the wolf’s teeth snapping, his lips peeled back.

Bardhyl growls, and he never once takes his eyes off me—like I’m his meal and he’ll kill anything in his path to reach me. Dušan locks an arm around his neck, while Lucien throws himself on top of him, bringing the wolf to the ground.

This isn’t Bardhyl. Not my Bardhyl… the man who drove me crazy in the cave, who made me fall for him. How can he be my fated mate when he looks ready to kill me?

He’s a monster.



Dušan and Lucien have him pinned to the ground, while a thunderous threat snarls through him.

“Meira!” Dušan yells. “Come over here.”

I scoff and recoil further. “That’s never going to happen. Look at him.”

“Meira.” He growls my name. “He seeks a connection with you to calm him and push back the wolf.”

I blink hard at both of them straining to hold down the wild wolf. He wants me topathim? “He’s going to bite my arm off, isn’t he?”

“We won’t let that happen, but hurry the hell up.”

Lucien glances up at me, his jawline tight, fighting with all his might to keep Bardhyl down. “He needs you.”

Oh, geez, I’m doing this, aren’t I? I step forward and lick my dried lips, my arms stiff by my side. The closer I get, the fiercer Bardhyl thrashes and growls. Does he know what we’re doing, or will that come after he eats me?

I sidestep around them, giving Bardhyl’s head a wide berth. His eyes follow me. I make a quick sprint over to Lucien, my arms shaking as I stretch them out and run my fingers through Bardhyl’s thick, lush fur. It’s knotted with blood, and his body is vibrating and scorching hot.

He thrusts, and with the touch comes an electric zap that jolts up my arms.

I flinch back just as Bardhyl bucks the other Alphas off him. A split second is all it takes for him to rush toward me.

I scream, my body numbing, and all I see is my end.

His head strikes my chest, bowling me over, and I yell from the pain. Then the ass races over me and into the woods. I cry out, clutching a hand to where he knocked into me.

I tilt my head back all the way to watch him vanishing into the shadows.

Dušan grabs my arms and has me on my feet in moments. He holds me close with one hand, pulling twigs out of my hair with the other.

“What the hell was that?” I snap. “You said you had a hold of him.”

“Once you touched him, he wasn’t going to hurt you,” Dušan explains while Lucien joins us, dusting himself off.