Page 50 of Shadowlands Sector

“You too,” she replies, then she clears her throat. “Romania, right?”

“What used to be Romania, yes.” I offer her a smile, and all I can picture is Meira, the urgency to go find her waiting in my room. “I’m sorry to interrupt you and your Alpha, but I promised him an update today.”

“Indeed you did,” Ander agrees, kissing Katriana’s neck.

I avert my gaze as he finishes, letting my mind wander to the tenderness of Meira’s skin under my lips. How I need to find a way to safely coax her wolf free so she can take her spot by my side. She is my mate, and now I need to help her. The longer her wolf remains at bay, the more worry churns in my gut. Survival for half-breeds is low… not impossible, but goddamn difficult. I drive those thoughts away, refusing to even entertain the possibility.

“What’s the sensitivity level of our topic?” Ander asks, drawing my attention.

“Green.” I understand right away he doesn’t want his Omega to know all the details of our trade.

“Proceed,” he murmurs, wrapping his arms around the Omega in his lap.

“We found your tenth promised wolf, but there’s a complication. I need to switch out the product for a better fit.” I study the Alpha for his reaction, not wanting this to ruin what we have set up.

He frowns. “What kind of complication?”

I stare at him for a long while, trying to work out the best way to explain without giving away too many details. Finally, I say, “A similar one to your current situation.”

His eyebrows lift. “Oh.” The way he intently looks at me, the corners of his eyes creasing, I can tell he understands. “Well, right then. A replacement is acceptable. How soon will you be transporting her?”

“Two days’ time, unless you need her sooner?”

A quick shake of his head. “Two days is perfect. We have a social gathering planned that evening to introduce your wolves to my pack. Perhaps Mad and Caspian can stay for the festivities before returning to you?”

There is an eagerness in his voice, which tells me he’s offering his hospitality as a confirmation he’s content to keep trading more in the future. And this is exactly what I need.

Maybe those two inviting themselves to stay with the X-Clan Wolves isn’t completely wasted.

“They would be honored to stay,” I say. “Thank you, Ander.”

“You as well, Dušan.”

“And nice to meet you, Katriana,” I conclude in a softer tone before I hang up on the call.


I’m stir crazy, closed up in Dušan’s bedroom, and I miss him terribly. Despite it being days since I’ve seen Lucien, he’s on my mind constantly as well. That kiss we experienced stays with me along with why he pulls away from me.

There’s a guard at the door to stop me from sneaking out. Now I’m stuck in here with a desire that burns within me so wickedly, it never leaves me.

Dušan insists his bite mark and our sex makes me smell like a claimed female to other wolves for a few days only. Anticipation stretches inside me for his return.

Except worry is constantly coiling my chest. Why hasn’t my wolf come out?

What if she never does? What if each time the sickness returns, it grows worse until it eventually kills me? I’ve never thrown up blood before. I know something is wrong—I feel it in my bones. So Dušan is right in trying to get my wolf out of me, to tame my human side that is carrying the sickness. Transformations heal any illnesses shifters may have contracted.

I turn and walk across the room before crawling onto the bed, feeling so many emotions inside from fear to anger to a desperation to have my Alpha near me. His markings have opened something up between us.

The pillows and bedsheets carry Dušan’s masculine, woodsy scent filled with pheromones. The smell of his seed and my arousal lingers too. An instinct jolts awake within me, and my core clenches with need. I shut my eyes and curl in on myself, wanting to drown myself in his smell. Slick pools between my thighs at the need that sweeps through me for Dušan.

There is no doubt now that he is my fated mate. My body and wolf yearn for him, cry out for him. My breaths spasm in my lungs, and a burning heat sweeps over me. For so long, I tried to ignore what I was—an Omega, a shifter ravenous to find my mate, a half-breed in deeper trouble than I ever thought.

Dušan’s scent sinks through me, and I feel like I’m going to burst with the ache curling in my gut. I push myself out of bed, needing fresh air…anything to calm myself.

A knock comes at my door before it swings open.

The hairs on my nape bristle and I stand there, half-expecting Dušan.