Page 6 of Born into Darkness

One of the men turned and marched to the end of the corridor, presumably to keep watch. I got the distinct impression he did not like taking orders from a woman. His companion remained close, as if protecting my servant.

Having Rumi hum softly to me worked wonders to calm my wildly beating heart and aching chest, and finally, the anxiety passed.

After some moments of this, she said, “Come, child,” and helped me climb to my feet.

Despite knowing she would not hurt me, I still tensed at her touch. My mind raged with fear of her raising her fist to strike me. Or of her pulling out a knife to slash me, adding to my crest of scars.

Dearest Sea God, look what the torturer has done to me!

“Why did you not rescue me sooner?” I asked Rumi, brushing dirt from my face.

“I’m sorry, child,” Rumi whispered, handing me a pair of boots to put on. “We had to keep up appearances. Gather intelligence on the witch and her operations.”

“Operations?” I asked, knotting the first boot up.

“She’s partnered with the pirates,” Rumi said, “to kidnap shifters and use them in slave camps.”

What in the name of the Sea God?

“Why?” I asked, dumbfounded but not surprised to learn how my stepmother’s cruelty extended beyond me.

“To work on her farms,” Rumi said.

I didn’t get to hear the rest because Kelvin went wild in the cell next door.

“Trapped in the mirror,” he shouted over and over.

At first I ignored him, lacing up my second boot. But then it got too much, and I covered my ears, trying to shut out his cries. He went berserk like this when the torturer came for me. It brought painful memories flooding back. Memories I’d rather bury. Terror crept back in, sinking its dark and dirty claws into me. My heartbeat skyrocketed. Panic stole the breath from me once again. I leaned against the stone wall for support.

Sea God, shut him up.

At this rate, he was going to alert the guards.No matter what, I was not going back in that cell. The witch would pay for everything she had taken from me…for the pain she’d inflicted on me, my servants, and their families.

“Get him out,” I cried at Rumi. “Before he draws attention to us.”

The caped crusader unlocked Kelvin’s cell, but the poor man was so lost in his own world, he didn’t even realize he was about to be rescued.

“Come on, fella,” Rumi’s companion said, hauling Kelvin to his feet and dragging him out.

The hulking, gentle giant still rocked back and forth, muttering to himself.

“Everything will be fine, Kelvin,” I promised him, using my most soothing voice. I didn’t dare touch him, for fear it might set him off. For fear of what that human contact might do to me. “We’re getting out of here, okay?”

He scratched his head and mumbled, “Trap her in the mirror.”

I wished to the Sea God I knew what that meant. What was he trying to say? His broken mind was too far gone; he couldn’t explain himself, despite my repeated attempts to pry more information from him.

“Look at you, Kelvin,” said Rumi, holding his hand, talking to him as if he were a child. “So dirty. Let’s get you home for a bath.”

Kelvin nodded and said, “Trap her in the mirror,” as if that statement summed up his agreement.

“Come,” Rumi said to us both.

She held out her other hand to me, but I hid my wrists behind my back. She tugged at Kelvin, leading him along the passage.

The caped crusaders took the rear as I followed her. I didn’t even glance behind me to say goodbye to my prison. I hoped never to see that filthy hole ever again. Unless it was the final resting place for that evil witch. Then I would visit on every anniversary of my father’s death.

The winding staircase carried us to freedom. Outside the dungeon, dead bodies and bloodstains littered the pavement. Cold air wrapped around me like dark tentacles, and I shivered, rubbing my arms. After all this time in the cell without a coat or blanket, I was used to freezing, but nerves caused a bone-deep chill to seep into my flesh. One fueled by dark thoughts that the witch could be toying with me even then, giving me false hope of a rescue, only to capture me again and throw me back into my personal hell.