Page 42 of Born into Darkness

All the dwarves squinted as they stared into the mirror.

“I don’t see anything, sweets,” Mama Jo said in a way that made me feel crazy.

Damn it.Maybe I was seeing things. Back hunched, I clutched the mirror to my chest.

Show them, the mirror told me.

No. I’m crazy. Hearing things. They’ll think I’m mad.

Show them, the mirror said with more force.

Damn it.The voice in my head would not rest until I did. Hesitantly, I pulled the mirror back and peered into it, and the scene I’d watched earlier displayed within the glass. Maybe I had to gaze into it for the visions to reveal themselves.

Phantom’s chair scraped against the floor. Kneeling beside me, he placed his fist on the arm of my chair, watching the scenes in the mirror.

“She’s preparing an army,” Phantom whispered.

“What?” Curiosity got the best of Teeny, and he was by my side in a flash. His gaze turned from doubtful to wide-eyed to impressed. “Grimm. Come and look at this.”

Soon, Grimm and Mama Jo were huddled on the other side of my chair, inspecting the visions, their faces going through the same emotions as Teeny’s had.

“What does this mean?” Mama Jo asked.

“It’s a trick,” Grimm said, reaching to claim my mirror.

I pressed it to my chest, avoiding his grasp.

“Where did you get that? Give me the mirror,” Grimm said.

“It was a gift from the mermaid princess,” Phantom answered for me. Obviously, he had been watching me during my interactions with Nyssa.

“Why?” Grimm asked.

“To sell so we could buy other things to help the resistance,” I replied.

“Is there any way to confirm the revelations in the mirror?” Teeny asked.

“We could send spies,” Grimm said.

“Is that safe, with the mercenaries trawling the roads?” I asked.

“If an army is being prepared, we must find out why,” Grimm said. “We can’t hide underground forever. One day, they will come for us.”

He was right. That army would conquer all of Haven.

“Thank you for showing us this,” Grimm said.

That sounded like a cue for me to leave. Didn’t he want to see if the mirror had more to unveil? Each time I studied it, new information was expressed, and if the visions were true, we could learn a lot from them.Damn Grimm.His skepticism buried into me and made me question the mirror. I supposed I’d have to wait for confirmation of the mirror’s revelation.

Phantom stood to leave with me, but Grimm said, “Phantom, I have a few more questions if I may?”

Phantom gave me a longing look that told me he would rather leave with me, but he sat back down, and I left the room.

What more did the resistance need from Phantom? If I was the face of the resistance, then why was I not privy to all their plans? What secrets was Grimm hiding from me?