Chapter 20

Gingernuts meowed from his bag. I drew him against my chest and scratched his head, which was sticking out. He shifted about, wriggling in there. “We let you out, and you bolted. No more leaving until we get to Crosswind.”

Gage gasped for air, his chest rising and falling while his cheeks glowed red. “Pretty sure you mean to say, you let him out and then I chased the damn cat like a madman through the woods.”

“But you caught him, so that’s what matters.” I lifted Gingernuts to kiss his head, but the cat gave me a filthy look filled with retribution. “Come on. Did you want to stay alone in the tower?”

Gage huffed and picked up my other backpack off the ground before hightailing it up the narrow track amidst the forest. “I still don’t know why I can’t fly us up into this town?”

“Because I don’t want the locals spooked. This is one of a few human settlements in Darkwoods, and it’s tucked in the corner of the realm too. They don’t welcome many shifters.”

I marched after him while Gingernuts vanished into the bag and settled down. I supposed being chased by a dragon-shifter had worn him out.

“So do you have any relatives or family friends?” Gage asked.

“Just this woman my dad used to know. After Mom died, my dad and I traveled from place to place, and Crosswind was our last stop before our attack. Back then, only a handful of houses and shops made up the village. Dad said he might settle down there because it was so quaint.”

Tire tracks from carriages had worn the path. Dad loved that it was quiet up on this mountain and that the village overlooked the forest below. Plus, he used to say the area made him feel like a bird perched on top of the world. Just like the Eagle-Man with Faye. How long before she tracked me down? Would Vanore’s spell be enough to halt Faye from resurrecting the gargoyle? Would we put an end to the kidnappings?

Lofty cypress trees swayed in the wind and muddy clouds rolled across the heavens. I rushed to keep up with Gage and not get caught in the approaching storm.

“Reed is a decent man,” Gage said.

My mouth fell open. “You gave him a compliment? Now I know something happened between you two in Tritonia.”

He pushed the straps of the two bags he carried up over his shoulders. We’d made a quick visit to his treetop house so he could pack a few clothes for his travel too. Gage suggested we leave Gingernuts there, but I couldn’t. He wasn’t familiar with the place and he might run away. Plus, who would feed and snuggle him? “I misjudged Reed. He’s a ruler who’ll make a difference in this world and to his pride. Who puts his members first when danger appears. Anyway”—he looked my way with a genuine smile—“I like him and can see why you’re attracted to him.”

“Whoa, where is that coming from?” I gripped my hips, unsure I was liking where this was going. “What exactly did you two discuss?”

He threw an arm around my shoulders and brought me closer. “What happens in Tritonia stays in Tritonia. But the man likes you a lot. And I’m okay with that.”

Too many thoughts whirled through my head. “I don’t even know what you’re saying.”

“That I care for you more than my life, and I think Reed does too. So if you date us both at the same time, I’m fine with it. But on the condition you let me watch him take you at least once.” He winked, and I wasn’t sure if I should have been aroused or shocked.

My cheeks heated and not because I was shy. Far from it, but I lost all ability to respond. I waited for my subconscious to crack a joke, but she remained silent and distant. “While I love your openness, what if he doesn’t want that? Or me?” What if I considered adding Kahlo into that mix? Would Gage be so accommodating?

Gage ruffled my hair, and I adjusted the bag holding all my tresses on my other shoulder.

“Honey, there’s no doubt in my head you wouldn’t want two incredible guys like Reed and me by your side always. But just not at the same time. That’s where I cross the line, but observing I can do.”

“Okay, so if you’re that open, you’d be happy for me to bring more men into this mix?”

He cocked a brow, studying me, and he’d be dumb not sense my sarcasm. I hiked up the slope, my thighs stinging, saying nothing.

“Yeah, I’d welcome Kahlo, but I’d suggest capping it at three. I want you more than once a week all to myself.”

My breath hitched, and I glanced up at his smirk, his chin high and his hooded eyes fixed on me. “You surprise me,” I said. “But I’ve made it clear to all three of you I have no intention of starting a relationship with anyone until I’m free. If we eradicate the hooded man and Faye’s spell, heck, I’ll be the first to take all three of you out on a date.”

“Ha, knew it. You want all three of us!”

“You’re confusing me. Was that all a game to get me to confess?” I didn’t have it in me for tricks when relationships were second on my list of priorities over surviving.

“Nah, but I wanted to hear you say it, that’s all.”

We traveled in silence as the skies rumbled with the promise of a heavy rain. “So you’re honestly are telling me you would be okay with sharing me?” I couldn’t believe we were even having such a conversation, because I’d always prayed to the universe to give me the chance to have a future with an amazing man. But she’d given me three, so was I being greedy in thinking I could keep them, or was the idea to select one?

“Why choose?” Gage responded. “I’ve never had a real family, and I’m excited to have not only you, but two close friends.” He stared out into the distance as he spoke, not a flinch of disapproval or disgust.