Gingerly, I reached out.
I flinched back. “What is it?” I scanned the area to find no one. Behind me, the men studied me with huge eyes.
Are you sure you want to do this?
“Gah, you scared the shit out of me,” I whispered. Okay, do this fast. No more wasting time.
I grasped the railing, cold metal under my palm, and waited… Nothing. I released the breath wedged in my chest and looked over my shoulder.
Gage shrugged while Kahlo nodded and Reed waved for me to climb the fence. Okay, this was happening. I scrambled over and slid behind the apple tree.
Up ahead, the darkness drenched the house. No alarms had gone off, so that was fantastic.
I don’t like this. It’s too easy.
I agreed, and my stomach tightened at the thought. Someone who used a magic ward to keep shifters away would have more security set up. The barrier would not only keep intruders away, but also stop any captives from getting out.
Terrible plan. You’ve done no research into this place. Go back.
I turned to the three men staring at me from within the shadows. I recalled the desperation in Reed’s voice when he’d spoken about his missing sister. I had to do this. This wasn’t me engaging in battle, but gaining information. So I crept toward the house, ignoring the jitters crawling up my spine.