A male lion grazed right past me, striding elegantly past as if he walked on clouds. His tail flicked me across the ass, and I flinched, twisting around, meeting his large and dark-rimmed eyes. “Reed?”

Another animal glided past, brushing against me, and my skin pinched. When I glanced back, the male had vanished. A female nudged Gage in the thigh, shoving him aside, and I chased after him, but two creatures blocked my path.

“They’re separating us!” I cried out, and my teeth chattered. We’d marched in here like fools offering ourselves as their meal.

They’ll hunt you both down. Grab your knife and stab them.

Yeah, smart move. Draw my weapon against a pride of lions. It wasn’t as if I could kill them all. Maybe the ones who attacked me if I was lucky. “Listen, I don’t want to hurt anyone. If Reed’s not here, we’ll leave.”

Gage staggered as several females drove him farther away, his reaction blackened by the night. My heartbeat slammed against my ribcage. A chill washed down my spine as I turned around, scanning the area. But there was no way out.

Three animals circled me, each taking turns to whack me with a tail or claw my pants, drawing blood. I cried out as another headbutted me in the leg. Over and over, I stumbled about, treated like a freaking toy-thing. Were they tenderizing me? And despite the fear clinging to my insides, a fiery rage erupted in my chest. I hadn’t come this far to turn into someone’s dinner. I curled my hands, and pure adrenaline surged through my veins.

“Enough,” I called out. “I’m not your enemy.”

But none listened, and they broke into a sprint around me, faster, dust thrown into the air, blurring my vision, clogging my throat. Bits of dirt and tiny rocks whipped around my legs. Roars erupted from every direction, loud and piercing. All I could picture in my mind was one of them ripping out my jugular with those sharp teeth.

I trembled and reached for my blade.

Everything fell deadly silent. The dust cloud blinded my vision, and I gasped for air. Icy daggers surged right through me because I’d brought Gage into this danger and now, he’d lose his life because of me.