I jostled backward and rushed into my bedroom to the farthest corner. His shadow flew over the window and landed on the roof with a thud. I flinched. Heavy footfalls pounded overhead, then silenced.

I slid to a crouched position and hugged my knees, my vision blurred with tears. Was Reed dead?

Forget about him. You’re lucky not to get beaten.

But forgetting was an impossibility. Like my entire fucked-up life. My tears rolled free. Breaths came in shallow gasps. Death surrounded my life, and I barely battled to keep my head above water.

Something nudged my leg, and I looked down at Gingernuts, rubbing himself against me and purring. I collected him into my lap and crossed my legs. “What would I do without you? You’re all I have.”

Hey, and me!

“You don’t count because you’re just my mind gone haywire.”

Heaviness pulled at my puffy eyes, so I climbed into bed with Gingernuts and curled in on myself, unable to stop picturing Reed swinging in the gargoyle’s arms. Was he out there somewhere dying? As soon as nightfall came, I’d find him. Until then, I’d pray he held on until I arrived.