“In case you tangle us in your hair again, we’ll end up somewhere more comfortable,” he whispered.

There wasn’t a trace of flirting in his words because he was serious. Okay, the desire was all inmymind.

Dirty hound dog.

“Whatever,” I mumbled to myself as I joined Kahlo. Both of us sat on the bed, our slurping and gulping the only sounds. Gingernuts hopped up to join us.

With the last drop running down my throat, Kahlo took my cup and placed it along with his on the bedside table. He then turned to me and drew me onto the bed to lie down next to him, face to face, and a strange inkling hummed at the base of my gut. The kind that expected more from Kahlo, like his hands all over me. I almost laughed out loud. At my core, I found him all adorable and sexy as hell, but the more time I got to spend with him, the more I caught glimpses of what made him more than that.

“Tell me who Elliana is,” he said, his head resting on a bent arm, and I lay on my side, on my pillow, lost in his deep green eyes. Was this his way of flirting with women? Because I was into it. If Gage were here, he’d already have me stripped, while Reed… I hadn’t worked him out, but considering our last couple of times together, I suspected we’d head in the same direction. But Kahlo was different. He was in no rush, as if auditioning me to fill a spot. Or was he keeping me company in case the witch turned up? And nothing more. But what would he do against her? Then again, who wanted to be alone if she returned? Not me.

Gingernuts crawled in between us and lay on his belly, gawking up at Kahlo, who stroked him. I rubbed Gingernuts’ ears. “Okay, where to start?” I said.

“From the beginning. Reed told me only snippets. I want to know what makes a beautiful woman like you tick. What you like, your favorite foods, what turns you on.”

I arched a brow. “That last point might be controversial. My likes change.” I smirked, remembering Gage’s comment about him planning to watch me with Reed or Kahlo. How my pulse raced when one of the three men was close, and how for the life of me I couldn’t work it out how I was attracted to Gage, Reed, and Kahlo at the same time. Had I misread the signs? Then why did they stare at me as if I were theirs?

His fingers grazed mine as I caressed Gingernuts, the corners of his mouth lifted. There was something special about a powerful, laidback man wearing a mischievous grin and having eyes only for me.

“Now you’ve got me super curious,” he said.

“I have one question,” I said, living dangerously here, my stomach in a swarm of jitters. But lying next to Kahlo, chatting, I felt drawn to him and damn, he was sexy. And I enjoyed flirting with him. “Would you ever share the woman you loved with another man?”

He studied me as shadows fell across his face. “Do you mean specifically what I would do or from a man’s perspective in general?”

“You.” I chewed on my cheek, butterflies swarming my gut.

Emotions lit up on his handsome eyes. His lower lip twitched, as if he fought to control himself from kissing me. “Funny you ask. I had this exact conversation with Reed the other day.”

“Oh, spill.” Forget the humbleness that came with patience. I grinned wide and gnawed on my lower lip, eager to hear more, while my stomach did somersaults.

“You must know Reed intends to make you his own, but he also understands Gage is with you.” His fingers intertwined with mine, warm and strong. “I told him that if I ever had a woman like you, I’d move a mountain to hold on to you for eternity. If you loved me with unyielding passion, I’d accept other men you brought into our bond. It would make us a stronger family, each of us looking out for each other.”

My breaths floated into the air like smoke, and the world might as well have stopped, leaving just the two of us together. His stare pierced into me, as if declaring he had every intent of being with me too.