Chapter 8

Back in the kitchen, I resumed my pacing, gnawing on a hangnail. The scratches on my neck from the attack upstairs stung, but not as much as me trying to decide what my next steps were. Head home tonight by any means necessary, which was risky, even if I could conjure up ingredients for a protection spell. Or wait for the other princes to return, with the chance that Raze might not have made it. Dread sat on my chest, squeezing my lungs. If I asked the men to take me down the mountain, what if they refused until I healed the cursed brother? And I couldn’t stop thinking about him, and the despair in hiseyes.

Footfalls sounded in the house, and I recoiled toward the window, my thoughts flying to the prince upstairs. But if he’d escaped, he’d be running down here like a madman, not taking normalsteps.

Beast walked in, his gaze on the door handle, then on me, his browarching.

“No one locks me up.” I crossed my arms. Before I could ask about Raze, he strolled in as well, wearing trousers and nothing else. He was laughing at something over his shoulder, not terrified that he could have died. Fresh gashes streaked his chest and arms, with a large bite mark on his bicep. Most were healed over, and the flesh blushed pink around the injuries. I’d heard shifters healed quick, but this was miraculous. And just seeing him alive had me beaming.He didn’tdie!

When Raze swung to face me, he smirked, and his eyes sparkled in the candlelight. “I was afraid I’d lost you in the woods.” The sincere concern in gaze felt real, and he closed the distance betweenus.

“How did you escape those bears?” I watched the way his muscles moved across his solid chest and rippled stomach, and my gaze fell to the line of dark hair dipping into his pants.Damn!This was so unfair, dangling these men in front of me when they weren’t on the menu. And why was it getting so hot inhere?

“The forest is my backyard, and I can handle a few rebels. I was more worried about you.” He reached over and lifted my chin gingerly with his thumb. “Did you gethurt?”

I shook my head, unable to find my words as Raze’s brows pulled together while he studied my injuries. Back in the carriage, the shadows had concealed his features, but he had the same strong jaw and cheeks as his brother behind him. Raze’s lips were thicker, and waves of darker chestnut hair sat off his face, falling to just below his jawline. He was slightly taller than Beast, and bulkier in the muscle area. Both men were incredible… yep, the handsome gene was generous in thisfamily.

“Those scratches look new.” Beast approached and tilted his head, staring myway.

But I didn’t need them knowing I’d spied on the massive problem upstairs… at least not until I heard their side of the story and determined how deep in a hole I’dlanded.

“I’m fine.” I drew the collar of my coat to my neck, covering my injuries. “Shall we get down tobusiness?”

Both men exchanged a knowing glance, and I noted the worry marring theirexpressions.

“Sugarplum,” Beast started as he cracked his neck, not conducive at all to discussing a difficult topic. “It’s late,” he continued. “You’ve had a scary night. Let’s start this in themorning?”

“But I’m wide awake. How about you make us all a cup of tea and let’s talk? I have questions for you. So manyquestions.”

He stared at me indisbelief.

“Oh, right! You probably don’t know how to boil water,” I said, maybe a bit too briskly, and I regretted my rudeness at once. These were princes, but my pulse still buzzed. When hyped up, I blurted out anything in myhead.

Raze laughed and slapped Beast’s shoulder. “She’s got you worked out,Leven.”

So that was Beast’s name. Leven! Despite his thorny demeanor, his name rolled smoothly through mymind.

I slouched my hip against the kitchen counter and stuffed my hands into my coat’s pockets. “Why were those bears attacking us if you’re royalty? Why is there no one else is in thecastle?”

The brothers stiffened at myquestions.

But I didn’t stop. “Why is there a protection ring surrounding the castle? I sensed magic in the air when I entered. Something dark. So speak to me if you want my help.” I caught my racing breath, facing two huge bear shifters, and squared myshoulders.

“Or?” Raze asked before he shot a glance toward Leven. Both seemed to be sharing mentalnotes.

I licked my dry lips. “Or I’ll head home.” I wasn’t some meek woman they couldmanipulate.

“Well, here’s the thing.” Raze pulled a kitchen knife out from the back of his pants and plonked it on thetable.

The same weapon with a wooden hilt I’d dropped upstairs after beingattacked.

Coldness washed through my body, and my head rang like asiren.

“As you can see, tonight we’re not in a trusting mood.” His gaze swept from me to the blade andback.

“I just asked you to stay in the kitchen.” Leven’s voice hardened, the earlier flirting look replaced by a hooded glare. “You could have gottenhurt.”

I felt the blood drain from my face. “Do you think I trust either of you?” I pointed at them. “Raze, you kidnapped me near the tavern, then made me pass out, and you, Leven, you locked me in the kitchen. If anyone has trust issues here, it’sme.”