The hairs on my arms lifted as I inched forward for a betterlook.

But within a flash, the person whirled toward me, lightning fast, an arm striking out between twobars.

I flinched backward, but his fingers seized my forearms and hauled me toward him with a burst of intense strength. I tripped forward, face-planting into the cage. My vision twirled as my hip grazed the bars and the blade on my belt clanged to theground.

I moaned from the ache across myskull.

But when I focused on the sharp fangs inches from my face, a hot, putrid stink of blood washing over me, a cry strangled my throat. His face was human, but his arms and legs were that of abear.

My heartthundered.

Claws clutched my neck, drawing me closer, my cheek pressed against a metalbar.

“You…” His voice gargled, and he snarled so loud, my ears rang. “Smell delici—” He broke into a roar, and Ishuddered.

I writhed against his hold, shaking like aleaf.

I’d been wrong. This wasn’t just any man, but something hideous. Long ears, his shoulders broad, brown and furry. But behind his gaze lay desperation and humanity. Those green eyes were familiar, and I didn’t need to know anything more other than this had to be the cursedbrother.

Coldness washed through me, and when I tried to form words, nonecame.

He licked my cheek and sniffedme.

My pulse pumped furiously as I pictured my head ripped off my body. His claws pressed into my flesh, and a suffocating scream pushed past mythroat.

With the knife near my feet, reaching it was impossible without ticking off the monster in half-bear, half-human form. I dug into my pocket and pulled out the jerky I’d stolen from the kitchenearlier.

A quick wave in his face, and the bear-man’s nose twitched. His grip loosened. I tossed the food into the cage behind him, and he leaped afterit.

I stumbled backward, gripping my neck where he’d broken skin, and gulped for air. He could have killed me, but for the smart move on my part with the beefjerky.

What sort of hex had they placed onhim?

He crouched, eating, his lips smacking. Near him I spotted a pile of bones, and I choked on the urge to gag. Someone had cursed him to straddle between two worlds? Half-bear, half-human. I recalled the magic upon first entering the castle gates. A death enchantment. How was I equipped to handle this kind of curse? If Mom were alive, she’d demand I leave this very night and neverreturn.

I practiced white magic, worked with the goddess. I’d never killed a single living thing for magic. But this here was something else. Even now, energy crackled down my spine. Someone had wanted this prince tosuffer.

The bear-man snapped upright, slamming into the cage wall, arms reaching forme.

I jumped back and ran, unable to stop. I raced down the stairs, faster than I thought possible. Because right now I knew I dealt with evil. And no way in hell I could fix this. Ice filled my veins. I refused to sacrifice another life. I didn’t dance that way now or ever. Worse yet, dabbling in death hexes came with side effects. Like opening myself up to a possession. Unbalancing my two witch halves, releasing the darkness within.Nope.I’d spent too many years controlling that side ofme.

The solution became simple. I’d tell the princes I’d made a mistake and couldn’t help. Then back home, I’d get two jobs—clean toilets if I had to help Dad pay hisdebt.

When a growl boomed from upstairs, the sound reminding me of an attacking animal, I halted at the base of the stairwell, grasping the railing. Guilt twisted myinsides.

Dad’s words streamed through my mind.Never abandon anyone in trouble because what if that wereyou?