Wow. What a mood killer.I hadn’t expected to share my life story. Half of this I’d never even told my close friend Scarlet. But I felt so at ease in the genie’s company. As if we’d know each other forever. Talking about all this stirred up my deep-rooted grief and anger. Any second now, those emotions threatened to burst from me like a floodingdam.

I cleared my throat and asked a question to divert the conversation away from me. “How’d you become agenie?”

He examined me for a few moments as if he expected my story to continue. Then he rolled onto his side. “That’s easy. A sorcerer summoned me and bound me to a lamp. That’s why I have these golden wristbands. They hold me captive to thelamp.”

My heart twisted at the darkness to his words. I didn’t blame him for being resentful. I’d be pissed, too, if someone had stripped me of myfreedom.

“Are you human?” I said, using the question as an excuse to pan my gaze along his fine body. “Where do genies get their magicfrom?”

For the briefest instant, I caught a red flash of anger in his golden eyes, and he bristled. “I come from a tribe known asdjinn.”

Kaza’s sudden shift in mood, from playful to serious, took me aback. Had I touched a nerve? Maybe I should have just stuck to thejokes.

“Under djinn law, those who serve a human are condemned as traitors to our kind and are banished from our realm.” His voice took on a hardedge.

My chest tightened with remorse for him. He was forced into slavery and didn’t agree to it. Could never return home even if I freed him. Never see his family again.Gods.I couldn’t begin to imagine the pain ofit.

“That’s not fair,” I said, sliding my arm beneath him and snuggled closer, hoping to take away some of his anguish and restore hischeer.

“Careful, Master," he said, turning back to me, slipping his arms around my waist. "You might get used tothis."

Yes. Yes, I could. I didn't want to leave the warmth he radiated. From the promise of fun. Having him so close had my heartbeatskyrocketing.

Before I knew what was happening, his lips were on mine, hungry and passionate.I turned toward him, pressing my body closer, unable to help myself. Not that I wanted to stop when I’d been thinking about kissing him since the first moment I sawhim.

He moaned, and I brokeaway.

“Did I hurt you?” Iasked.

“You could never hurt me.” Kaza's hands glided down my lowerback.

I trembled, aching to have him closer.Kaza made me feel irresponsible, fun, and carefree. I hadn’t realized how lonely I’d been until today. Too focused on my brother and not myself. Having him beside me stripped my loneliness away. I needed this moment more than my next breath. Maybe a small reprieve from the stresses of life wouldn’t be such a badthing.

He leaned in to kiss me again, his tongue pressing against my lips and parting them. I groaned and grabbed his arm. He held on to my hips and pulled me toward him, never breaking ourkiss.

My hands ran down his hard and chiseledstomach.

Firm hands squeezed my ass, and I mewed. He nibbled at my neck, placing soft kisses there. Fire raged between mythighs.

He glanced up at me with a wicked grin as he tugged the end of my kaftanup.

I snapped a hand across my chest. “Hey.”

Kaza smirked. “Don’t be shy around me,” he said, and I let him slide itoff.

I shook, unable to find my words, and my insidesburned.

Carefully he slid down the strap of my bra, exposing a breast. His touch left a string of goose bumps in itswake.

“I have a surprise for you.” He lifted me into his arms and carried me across thepool.

“What are you doing?” I dug my nails into him. “I don’t know how toswim.”

The last thing I wanted was for him to throw me in thinking it was fun. The thought of drowning terrifiedme.

“It’s okay, my desert queen,” he said using a soothing voice. “I won’t do that. I’m just going to batheyou.”

Oh. I felt a bit silly and tucked my head. I hadn’t been bathed by a guy before. The idea excited me. I hadn’t had a wash in a week. Smelling like a fat old man’s armpit was not a turn on. I didn’t want anything getting in the way of having more fun withKaza.