Page 30 of Only Sunshine

“Gosh, I never thought about him needing something like that.” Growing up, it was only us. At least that’s what it felt like. And even though he had me and JJ, he never really had a male figure he trusted in his life. Hopefully he’s found that in Vincent.

“Sometimes I think we forget that how we grew up impacted us.”

“Like me being scared to commit because I don’t ever want to face the possibility of a broken heart, and you thinking that if you don’t control everything the world might fall apart?”

JJ laughs at my response. “Something like that. I know we both long for family, but I’m not sure what Travis is looking for.”

“I think he wants to be independent.” That’s the first thing that comes to mind. Growing up, it was Travis who made sure no one messed with us. He was a protector in a way, but as we got older, we didn’t need that so much anymore. I think he’s been a bit lost, but now he might be finding his way. “I haven’t even told him about agreeing to marry Ivan. I’m not sure how he’s going to take it.”

“You what?” JJ shouts. “You didn’t tell me either.”

“I’m telling you now.” She glares at me. “It happened this morning, and I knew I was going to see you after work so I could tell you in person.”

“And that’s how you tell me? I need details. Ivan Lawson getting married.” She shakes her head in surprise. “You really are a ray of sun, Raegan. You melted the coldest man on earth. You thawed out Frosty Lawson and made him fall in love with you. I don’t know why I’m even shocked.”

“He’s so sweet.”

“More shock.”

“He is!” I get defensive.

“I believe you. And more than that, I’m happy for you.” She leans over to give me a hug. I squeeze her tight. So much has changed. JJ is back, and now I’m getting married. “You do smell like fries and syrup.”

“Bad or good thing?” I tease, but JJ suddenly jerks back away from me.

“Oh God.” She puts her hand over her mouth. She grabs a bag on the ground, pulling a sweatshirt out of it and throwing it before she vomits into the bag.

“So it’s a bad thing?” Fries and syrup aren’t the worst smell. Then it hits me when JJ lifts her head from out of the bag. “I think you’ve got something you need to tell me.” I raise my eyebrow at her this time.

“I’m pregnant.” She says what I already put together. I bite the inside of my cheek, thinking about the lack of protection that is being used between Ivan and me. Things really are changing.



I stare at the man Marco has spent weeks looking for. It had only been that one night that Raegan had gone digging on her computer about her past. Since then, there has been nothing from her on wanting to continue to venture down that road. Not even after we touched on our own childhoods that one night.

All she remembers about her birth mother is blond hair. She can’t recall if her father was ever around. Most of her childhood memories are of being in the system. Which isn’t shocking since she and Travis were four when they were put into the system.

It was soon after that her mom was tossed into jail for the first time. From what Marco and I dug up, it had been all downhill from there. She’s been in and out of jail multiple times. That was until this last sentence she was given, locking her up for at least the next ten years.

As for her father, there hadn’t been much, but clearly he knows someone was poking around. Why else would he be here? Unless he somehow found out his daughter is now connected to a wealthy man and he's here to try to collect something for himself. To be honest, it’s a deal I might consider if it makes him go away. I want nothing of the life he leads around her. She’s had to suffer through enough already.

“You let him in?” I ask as I take my suit jacket off.

Marco and her father Leo are both standing in the front living room, next to the couch where Rae always wanted us to Netflix and chill, as she called it. There was nothing chill about what we’ve done on the couch, and I don’t like that people are in our space.

“Didn’t think you’d want to do this in the lobby.” Marco responds. Leo eyes narrow on me. I don’t know if he’s sizing me up or what. I really don’t give a shit. I want to get whatever this is done. I can see some of Travis in his features, but it ends there. He’s a small man, but I can tell he knows how to handle himself. So do I, and I’ve got brute force on my side.