Page 29 of Only Sunshine

I’m still waiting to hear back from the realtor. The seven listings he sent me this afternoon didn’t fit what I’m searching for. I can be a picky bastard, but I want this to be right. I want to take Raegan to a place we’ll call our home.

Her whole life, she’s jumped from shit houses to shittier apartments after she left the system. One of my requirements is that there be a guest house. I want her to have the option of offering her brother a place to stay. It’s another way to show her that I’m all in.

My phone rings before I can call Paul. Marco’s name lights up my screen.

“What do you have for me?”

“What you’ve been looking for.” He can’t mean what I think he means.


“He walked right up to the building you’ve been staying in. Almost let himself inside.”


“He’s good, but I’m better. Get home.” He ends the call. Raegan’s father is at the condo I’ve been staying in since I got to town. I’ve rented the place out on a month-to-month basis. I’ve never been a fan of hotels. Security being one of those reasons.

“Back to the condo,” I tell James. He knows from my tone that he’d better make it fast. He pulls a U-turn.

My mind goes over one scenario after another. Why would he show up? Here we’ve been searching for him and he walks up to my front door. He could have walked into the diner.

That can only mean one thing. He wants something from me.



“Are you really this stupid?” I’m on a cloud that not even Roxy can pull me down from.

It was hard putting in my notice, but for the first time in my life, I’m letting go. I’ve always had JJ and my brother to lean on, but with Ivan it’s different. It’s scary but so exhilarating too. I’m past the point of no return. I might as well let myself fall all the way into him. I’m throwing caution to the wind, which I’ve never had the luxury of doing.

“I guess so,” I chirp back at her as I close out my tabs for the day and do my money drop.

“You think he’s in love with you and you’re going to run off into a fairy tale? You don’t even have a ring on your finger.” She’s been picking at me since she overheard me tell Henry I was giving my notice. He’d actually been happy for me and thankful he had recently hired a few more servers. One has already started, and another one will next week. “Hello? He told you that he loves you?”

“Why do you care so much?” I pull off my apron and grab my bag. It can’t be soon enough that I don’t have to deal with Roxy anymore. I look forward to not having her negativity every day.

She’s right, though. Ivan hasn’t said the words I love you, but honestly, I think he has in his own way. Ivan isn’t like other men. All of these feelings are new to him, and I’m kind of greedy with the fact that I draw them from him. I think he’s more of an actions speak louder than words type of man.

“I just don’t want you to be stupid is all.” Roxy gives me a look that says I’m pathetic.

“Well, if you ever want to come back, I’ll hire you in a second,” Henry cuts in, making the expression on Roxy’s face fall away. “Best server I’ve ever had. Can get anyone to smile.”

“She doesn’t make me smile,” Roxy mutters under her breath.

Roxy might be trying to make me feel like I’m pathetic for believing that Ivan is my future or that I’m a silly girl, but really it only makes her seem pathetic. I actually feel sorry for her. I hope one day she can get over whatever it is that makes her lash out the way she does at me and others.

“I’m out.” I give them both a wave before I slip out of the diner. JJ is already waiting for me. “I smell like syrup and fries,” I tell her as I approach the SUV.

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” She laughs as I get inside.

“Hi, Justin,” I say to the driver.

“Rae.” He gives me a smile in the rearview window.

“Can we swing by my place so I can shower?” I ask.

“As in the condo or apartment?” JJ asks.

“Apartment. I’ve been a bit MIA. I might catch Travis.” Justin pulls away from the curb. “How is my brother doing at work?” If anyone would know, it’s JJ.

“Really good, actually. I think the whole situation he got himself into scared him straight. Plus, Vincent is taking time with him. Making sure he keeps on the right path.”

“He is?”

“He goes and checks on him at work. I think his praise is making Travis feel more confident.”