Page 26 of Only Sunshine

“What needs to be done so badly it pulled you from our bed?” I ask, leaning up against the door frame. Ivan lifts his head. I watch as whatever anger was there moments ago melts away.

It still shocks me that this is the same man I’d once called Frosty Lawson when I’d hear my best friend speak about him. I do often see that coldness with other people, but I’ve never felt the bite of it before.

“Did I wake you?” He starts to get up from his chair, but I raise my hand to silently tell him to stay put. He drops back down into it. I’d bet my life I’m the only person in the universe that can get away with that.

I walk over and crawl into his lap. His button-up shirt I’d slipped on when I went on my search for him rises up my thighs. His hand glides along them. “You didn’t wake me.” I lean forward and start to press kisses along his neck and up to his jaw. I can’t get enough of this man.

His eyes fall closed, savoring my touch. He has no clue what it does to me to see how much he longs for me. It fills up this emptiness inside of me that I hadn’t known was hollow until he came along.

“You’re so soft and warm.” He always says that. I suppose to him I really am. Ivan is hard everywhere, but I think he’s warm too. I lick the seam of his mouth. His lips part. The next thing I know, I’m pinned to his desk, his tongue thrusting into my mouth. With one tug, he pops the buttons of the shirt I’m wearing, leaving me naked on his desk.

Something is different. I can sense it. He’s on edge about something. His touch and kisses are more aggressive and needy than normal. That’s saying a lot. Ivan can be insatiable.

“No one will take you from me,” I hear him say before his mouth wraps around my nipple. Why would someone take me from him? Those thoughts go out of my mind when his thumb presses against my clit as he thrusts two fingers inside of me. It’s always this way with him. Whenever he gets his hands on me, I forget everything and get lost in the pleasure.

It’s been over a week since I’ve been back in his arms, and we still haven’t gone all the way. I think he’s scared to hurt me. I know a girl’s first time might not be the best, but my body doesn’t care. I need him.

“Then take me if I’m yours, Ivan.” I sink my fingers into his hair as he sends me off the cliff of orgasm. One thing Ivan has learned is my body over the last week. He can draw out my pleasure or pull it from me in seconds.

“Not here.” He lifts me from off the desk. His hands go to my ass. I wrap my arms around his neck and keep kissing him as he carries me back to the bedroom, laying me out on the bed. “You are mine.”

He stands on the side of the bed, kicking his sweatpants off. I spread my legs knowing he was about to order me to. He gives me a smirk of satisfaction. One of Ivan’s kinks is staring at me while I’m all spread out on the bed as he strokes himself until he releases onto me.

It’s now one of my kinks too. After he comes all over me, it only takes a few swipes of his tongue and I’m coming too. It’s almost barbaric, this need he has to mark me as his own. Maybe that should scare me, but it doesn’t. In fact, it makes me feel safe and secure. I belong to him.

“Being such a good girl.” I nod, scooting back on the bed as he wraps his hand around his cock and starts to stroke himself. My eyes drop to his cock. I lick my lips when I see a bead of cum leaking from the tip.

“I’ve been good. I’m ready.” I sink my teeth into my bottom lip as his eyes trail down my body to my sex. He’s been getting me ready. At least that’s what he calls it when he’s pumping his fingers in and out of me every night.

Ivan’s breathing grows heavy, but he doesn’t stop stroking himself. My clit starts to throb again, my thighs slick from my last orgasm.

“You have no idea the things I think of doing to you. If you did, you’d be running.” I whimper but not in fear. I want to experience everything with this man.

“Tell me.”

He puts one knee on the bed. One of his hands wraps around my ankle. “Besides wanting to fuck you on every available surface—” His hand slips up higher as he starts to come down over me. My thighs spread wider to make room for his broad frame. “Stealing you away. I fantasize about tying you to the bed so you can’t leave. Then I don’t have to share you with anyone else. You’d only be mine.”