Page 20 of Only Sunshine

“You’re strange, you know that?” Roxy stares at me like I’m some weird bug.

“That’s enough.” Henry is quick to scold her. She might be right. Why am I keeping Ivan at arm’s length over something so small? I check the time and see I need to get going. I have plans with JJ.

“I’m out.” I grab my purse from my little cubby. “See you guys later.” I call over my shoulder, leaving Roxy to fight with Henry about my strangeness because I can’t defend myself at this moment.

My eyes glance down the street where I see the black SUV that Ivan is always in. I can’t help but look to see if he’s there. I’m always checking for some reason. I make my way quickly back to my place to wash off the smell of the diner and get ready for my late lunch with JJ.

As I get ready, I know that Ivan is going to see me, but this time I get to be dressed up for once. I put on my favorite yellow sundress and wear my hair down, clipping a small white bow in one side so part of it is pulled back. I even put on a bit of makeup.

“Well, hot damn,” JJ says when I come out of my apartment building.

“What? You’re all dolled up too,” I point out, but my outfit cost nothing compared to hers.

She is decked out in full designer things that cost more than most people’s cars. That’s not even including her wedding ring. That alone could buy someone a house. Even though her wardrobe is expensive as heck, somehow it’s not showy. There aren’t label names written across her dress or anything else, for that matter.

“This have something to do with—” Her eyes flick toward the SUV down the street. She doesn’t move her head so that Ivan doesn’t suspect we’re talking about him if he’s watching. Of course, he is. I lick my lips, enjoying that thought way more than I should.

“A girl can dress up sometimes.”

“As you should. You don’t do it as much as you used to. Growing up, you always had a dress on.” I did. It didn’t matter what we were doing. I was always in some kind of dress, but now all I wear are work uniforms or whatever I sleep in.

“I’m starving,” I tell her.

“Get in.” She opens the door for me. I slide into the back of the SUV and she follows me. “He gonna follow us?” JJ asks as we drive right past James and Ivan. I don’t have to answer. She can see for herself that he is. “How long are you going to hold out?”

“What does that mean?” I know exactly what she’s talking about.

“Rae, I’m your best friend. I know you.” I purse my lips. “I guess better than you know yourself. You don’t even know why you’re dragging this out, do you?” I open and then close my mouth. “You want me to tell you?”

“Seriously? How can you know and I don’t know?” I huff.

“What I do know is that while I might have bitched about my boss, I can’t say that he’s a terrible person. He’s always been fair, just cold and stern. Emotionless.”

“He has emotions. He’s just frosty with most other people, but he’s not like that with me.”

“Look at you. Quick to defend your man.” This makes her smile so big it almost looks painful.

“Whose side are you on?”

“Always yours,” she says instantly. “And that’s why I’m going to give it to you straight. I’ve never seen Ivan Lawson behave this way. You’re right, too. He does have emotions. I’ve just never seen them come out until you. I think you’ve thawed him out or something. It’s so interesting. He’s so dark and gloomy, and you’re so happy and normally full of life.”


“Yeah, normally.” The smile drops from her lips. “You can have this if you want it, but you’re scared.”

“I am scared,” I admit. I swallow the lump that tries to form in my throat.

“I know, and that’s why you’re doing this. You’re testing him. We’re so used to people leaving us. Not wanting us. I bet you’re always checking to see if he’s there. If this is the day he doesn’t show, but each time he’s there.” I drop my head as tears escape my eyes. “If Ivan is anything, he’s consistent, and if he’s said something to you, he meant it. That man is very aware of every word that comes out of his mouth.”

“When he says them.” A small bubble of laughter breaks free.

“He seems to say more to you than anyone else.”

“He told me he can’t stay away from me. That I’m the only person or thing that’s pulled at him.”

“Wow, in Ivan words, that’s fucking poetic.”

“What if I’m some obsession and it’s not love? What if he only likes the thrill of the chase?”