Page 11 of Only Sunshine

My fingers sink into her golden locks. I knew her hair would be feather soft. Images of it spread across my bed while she lies naked flash through my mind. I bury my hands in the silkiness, fisting a handful. I tip her head back to deepen our kiss. She was tentative at first, only parting her lips a little to let me in, but I took that small opening.

As I led her out of the bar, relief filled me. I was finally able to relax a bit, knowing I’d gotten her out of there and away from all the men that constantly tried to snag her attention. She never gave it to them for long. Mostly to see what it was they needed. I could tell most of the smiles she gifted them weren’t genuine. They didn’t light up her whole face and make sunshine pour from her.

When we were finally outside on the sidewalk, I could sense that I was about to lose her again. I couldn’t let that happen. I was already holding on by a thin thread from watching her all night. There was no way I could let her walk away at that moment, knowing that if we parted ways, I’d have to wait again. It was the first time I’d really had her in my grasp.

When that sweet laughter poured past her lips at my response to her question, something inside of me stirred, the sound shaking her lush body and vibrating into mine. I had to taste her. I needed it as much as I needed my next breath.

I not only need her but that joy that leaves her. The sunshine that comes out to light up the darkness all around us with her small laugh. Something tells me that the glow she always gives the world is starting to dim. I have this need to protect it. I’m not sure I can bring it back, but I could stop things from trying to take it from her. Though, I did make her laugh. That has to count for something.

She’s kissing me back too. Her mouth opens more for me as her tongue starts to tangle with mine. I knew she’d taste as sugary sweet as she looked. I’ve never been a man prone to sweets, but her taste is one I’m already addicted to. How does she do that? Everything about her is so alluring to me.

“Get a room!” someone shouts, bringing me back to reality.

I lift my mouth from hers. Rae’s eyes are glassy, her lips redder than normal and puffier. I did that. I gave her that look.

“That was—” She licks her lips.

“That changes everything,” I tell her before she can finish her thought. I always want to hear my little sunshine chattering on. It now does what the quiet used to do for me. But now I’m worried about what might come out of her mouth.

“Changes everything?” she asks as I signal for James. He pulls up from down the street.

“I’m going to take you home.”

“It’s not far.” She points out what I already know, but she’s been on her feet enough for one day. I open the door for her.

“In you go.”

“You always this bossy?”

“Yes.” She lets out another one of those delicate small laughs, seeming to enjoy my curt, short answers. Most people are annoyed by them, but not my little Rae of sunshine.

“Fine, you can drive me home but only because that kiss was…” She lets out a dreamy sigh. “Incredible and I might need another.”

“I’ll give you one right now if you wish. I’d give you almost anything.” She could ask for anything in this moment, and I’d lay it at her feet. I already plan to lay the entire world there if she’ll let me. The only thing I can’t seem to do is let her go.

“You really would, wouldn’t you, Ivan.” It’s not a question. She’s catching on real quick that there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her. She shakes her head before slipping into the back of the SUV. She shifts over so I can get in with her. I place my hand on her knee before she can try to move all the way to the other side. I want her close. Right up against me, where she belongs.

“Where to?” James asks, acting dumb and pretending he doesn’t already know where she lives. I should give him a raise. Rae rattles off her address to him.

“I heard you have a boyfriend.” Rae jumps right into conversation with James. I might have let that slip out during our afternoon lunch. I was trying to make myself seem more normal. I wanted Rae to see that I wasn’t some robot. I think she was starting to suspect that I was after she first asked me about my driver, and I really didn’t have much to tell her.