“I’ll break every bone in your face if you take one step closer!” I shouted. A disruption at the door—shouts and perhaps a crash of furniture against a body. Pain blooming across my cheek grasped my attention, hauling me from the daze I was in back into the harsh reality—the plane of man and womankind.
I looked down to my Trix—her name now clear and bright in my mind—who shifted her into her sleep.
“Jack, Goddess. He just wants to help.”
“Get him under control.” Orley said. “Did the Goddess only give you a single brain between you?”
“Orley… I don’t know—” I cut myself off. “My apologies, if you’ll accept them.”
“I like you Fordom. More than you probably appreciate, but you’ve come swinging at me far too many times, and in my own house, for my liking. I’ll be glad to be rid of the lot of you.” On his way out, he knocked over a grandfather clock, causing a sound to wake the dead.
Except Trix, who didn’t move.