I suckeddown the toxin from her mate gland, hot and smooth like brandy. Each drop changed me, bound me to her. Soon my reaction to other omegas would change. No other omega would do for me.

“Mine,” she said. Reluctantly I let go and pulled back.

My mate.

Goddess, mymate.


My mate. The thought near overwhelmed, my world exploding into a million pieces to reform around the woman below me. I could count the days spent in her company on two hands. It had taken Beatrice Hartwell ten days to become the centre of my universe. I tried to parse together the riot of emotions she inspired. Thrilling triumph that she was mine. An uneasy fear, so unexpected, that no amount of preparation would prepare me for the trials she’d put me through. But above all, or perhaps what held all the feelings together, the rightness of this moment. From the moment I’d scented her I’d known my mark would be on her—and with the Goddess’ blessing as prominent as the Lovers’ Circle Jack had given her ten years ago. The simple fact of it filled me with an unshakable certainty.

“I told you,” I said and could not hide the satisfaction. “I told you. You were always meant to be mine.”

“Will you always be so insufferable?” Jack asked. “Let her gather her senses before you start acting like her lord and master.”

“But I like it,” my mate purred. “I like when he lords it over me… It makes the rebellion that much sweeter.” The Vixen clamped down on my knot, making me tense through another orgasm. The kind I’d only experience while buried deep inside of her. Not one to do with pumping her full of cum, but an almost intimate experience.


“Overlord and master…” She had the gall to smirk at me.

I purred. Even while knowing her words were said in jest, my alpha approved. Jack slid down so that his body pressed against mine and hers and then he drew a blanket over us.

“Preserving the warmth. She got cold when I mated her,” he explained. I looked over her head at him. In turn he gazed upon our mate, who met his eyes with a special kind of wonder. This is what he had missed for the past decade. He’d lived a life of disquiet, one unfulfilled. “Keep sucking on your bite while I kiss our mate.”

Beatrice turned her head, giving him her lips, her mouth, and I turned to the bloody wound that given time would be something else entirely. First I licked away the blood, watched the clear toxin seep out of where my teeth had broken the flesh. That rightness only increased when I saw that my bite overlapped Jack’s, creating the symbol for infinity. Infinite was our bond. Infinite was my devotion. Not just to her, but to him. There. I now knew the source of my fear. My very self was so much theirs that their loss would be a loss of myself. To have bound my being with theirs created weakness as easily as it shored up the strength of our bond.

I pushed the thought aside. I’d not let fear of loss dominate my relationship with these two. It had pulled me down before after the loss of my sisters.

Digging my teeth into her gland, sucking in the toxin, causing my mate to shift on my knot and moan into our lover’s kiss, I began to slowly rut into her. I rolled us so that Jack could take his place behind Bea. We took turns, sometimes together, lavishing her healed and her fresh mate bites with kisses, licks, sucking, and—Goddess help me—biting because that drew forth mewls of pleasure along with her sweet cunt squeezing around my knot until at last it went down and my cock slipped free.

Jack took her from behind, drawing her leg up over his hip, holding her open so that I could watch his cock slide in and out, mixing our cum together watching it leak out with every withdrawal. While he knotted her, I searched for clean linens and blankets. They’d be soaked with cum and slick soon but for now they provided a more suitable surrounding for sleeping, and the Goddess knew we needed the rest. Urging my lovers into the new position in the nest, watching my mate fuss as she rearranged the materials I’d provided, my body relaxed, sleep teasing my senses, but I fought against it. I had something to tell my mate, something for her ears alone, and that meant staying awake.

I waited until Jack was snoring softly before I turned Beatrice towards me.

“What?” she said, her voice rough with exhaustion.

“It was only betas,” I told her. “I never… Not with omegas. You were the first omega I’ve fucked.”

“You took…” she blinked away tears. It broke my heart seeing my mate cry. “I don’t know why I am crying. I hate how heats wreck havoc with my emotions.”

“Never apologise.” I kissed her forehead, her cheeks salty from tears, those perfect lips, and then my bite. “No omegas. I’ve no reason to lie to you. Then or now.”

I watched her, thoughts tumbling through my head. No omegas. It was strange. Most alphas had slept with an omega at some point or other by my age, whether they were mated or not. But before soft, curvy, delicious Beatrice none had tempted me. I caught our reflection in the mirror.

“Look in the mirror,” I encouraged her. “You, both of you. You are all that have ever mattered to me.”

“We’ve not known each other very long.”

“We knew the moment we met.”

“Even I knew the moment you met,” Jack’s voice came muffled, raspy with sleep. “Came to see Pax. Scented you. Knew. Wasn’t jealous. Just knew.”

“How long have you been awake?”

“Long enough.” He twisted, pulling Beatrice into him, pulling her away from me. I did not feel bereft, for now I could see them as a pair. Dark coals and blazing fire. I wanted to knot her, him, both of them again. One day Jack and I would share her cunt at the same time. Could we knot her together? I did not know, but by the Goddess I wanted to try. To feel my lovers at once around me.

“We will always take care—“