“We need—“

“No,” she snapped. But it was an adorable protest without any bite in it. “No talking. Not while you both have me stuffed fuller than a christmas goose.”

“You aren’t on any knots.” Pax reminded her.

“Are you hungry?” I chuckled. “Heat brain?”

“I want candied orange peel.”

“I’ll knot you again and then get you some.”

“Not good enough.” She grumbled. “No knotting until—“

“Vixen,” Pax growled. I stroked his arm, hoping to soothe his frayed nerves. “If you continue to be a brat, I’ll mate you right now.”

“Pax…” I warned. “We discussed this. She’ll be on your knot when you mate her.”

“Thank you.” Her words so quick and quiet, we almost missed them.

“What’s this?”

“Thank you. We… We have a lot of future but for this moment. Like this. Before my head grows fuzzy with my heat again. I want to thank you.”

“Vixen? Are you—“

“Thank you for getting me my candied orange peel.” She giggled and buried her face into his chest to try and muffle the sound.

"That was very naughty, omega…"

"You said naughty. Not knot but naughty…"

Give me patience when dealing with an omega suffering from heat brain. But, Goddess, she was as adorable as Pax claimed when she lay in my arms, sated from too many orgasms and so completely ours.


“I am not accustomedto dealing with brats like you,” Pax grumbled. My alpha sounded aggravated, but dare I say, he sounded amused even more. Without warning he rolled me onto my back, crushing me under his chest. He reared back, looking down at me and smirking. “Do you know how I deal with a mouthy brat?”

“You put something in their mouth to stop them talking?” I guessed. Anticipation grew inside of me. I’d yet to taste their cum since my heat began, and I craved it almost as much as I wanted to suck on candied orange peel.

“No.” He tapped my nose with the tip of his finger. “One does not fill a brat’s mouth, though that ain’t a bad idea. One makes them plead that they are a good girl so that they can come. Now spread your thighs.”

“That doesn’t sound so bad.” I did as I was told. But my words belied the way my heart picked up. His solution to my less than virtuous impulses seemed all too much like a reward, and I could not believe he meant to reward me even if his plans led to my pleasure and theirs.

“Innocent.” He began to kiss down my body. Soft, gentle kisses, barely brushes of my lips. I looked to Jack who lay on his side watching, waiting—I supposed for Pax to order him. Goddess, the game they’d played. I felt a sliver of guilt that I wanted to find their former lovers and thank those betas on my knees for training them so. For being the ground upon which they tested what granted me the most pleasure.

“Seems you are not thinking of us… Tell me omega, what are you pondering?” he asked as he fit an arm under my hips and tilted my body to grant him easier access to my sex.

“I want to thank those betas for training—”

Pax speared a finger inside of me. “We were not trained. One does not train an alpha.”

“If you wish,” I whimpered out the words as that wicked finger twisted and pushed their cum deeper inside of me.

“There is no wishing, omega,” Jack’s purr was perhaps more of a warning. “We came to this as natural as breathing. Now, remember you can’t come until he says.”

“Oh, Goddess! Yes. Anything,” I gasped when Pax covered my sex with his mouth. I was too sensitive from what they had done to me already but now they chose to torture me further. “I’ll be good and not come.”

Pax pulled back.