“I would never harm her.” I bared my teeth at him. Jack just gripped the back of my neck to draw me closer to where his scent was strongest. What on an omega might have soothed me, being so close to another alpha had the opposite effect. My instinct to overwhelm, overpower the other alpha crept over me. I grabbed Jack’s hard cock through his breeches, his breath hot against my throat. Squeezed it, felt his breath catch, and I could feel my heartbeat as my cock pressed against the snug fit of my buckskins.

“Need this. Need her slick cunt. Fuck, I need to see you knot her.”


Goddess,I couldn’t wait for Pax to knot Trix during her heat. His first omega, first time seeing an omega through her heat. It seemed strange an alpha such as him had never been with an omega. Widowed omegas often invited alphas into their beds to see them through their heats. Society almost encouraged it. Both as a way to care for the omega, but also to calm the tempest of a rut an alpha might experience. Somehow, he’d held out. Not for any romantic notions that an alpha only knotted the omega he planned to marry. But the poetry in our situation made me smile, in a rather lascivious manner… We’d had a taste of her that afternoon, now we would sup on her. She’d be the feast we fell upon like starving men.These were the thoughts I had as I ran up the stairs as fast as my legs could carry me. To my mate. The knowledge clouded my judgement for a moment before clarity snapped me out of the rut I knew myself to be falling into. This time I’d be the alpha she needed. I’d help her build the nest she deserved. Sure, it could not be perfect. We were not at Pax’s in London where there was a proper nest. But for now, we could do all possible to make her feel better.

I stopped by my room to pick up what of my clothes carried my scent. Shirts, breeches, coats all brought to my nose. Even the pillow Pax had left coated with his cum joined the armful I intended to offer her. Most pleasing were the clothes we’d worn a few hours ago—the ones Pax had collected and brought to my room. Clothes already saturated with our scents and the smell of sex—the perfect gift for an omega building her nest. The first time I’d not been able to give her more than my body. We’d do it properly this time.

The halls were not empty as I made my way to her room. Servants carried armfuls of linens and trays full of supplies to help us see an omega through her heat.

“You there,” I caught the attention of a maid going in the other direction. “Sweets. Lots of them. Candied orange peel—as much of it as you can find. And honey. You have our thanks.”

“The Goddess’ blessing on Miss Hartwell’s heat,” the woman said with a quick curtsey. I blinked, not having heard anyone use such religious language outside of a chapel or temple in a long while. The little prayer gave me a warm glow. Yes. This heat would be blessed. So blessed.

My knot ached for her. Not just that hot slick core and mouth. To feel her grip my knot. My knot was tied to my bond with her. My mate, my omega, Trix, Bea, however I might call her—she did not fit the prescribed mode of omega behaviour and therefore could not be handled like a regular omega. She needed strict guidance. She needed a place safe from the world and its expectations, where she could give in to the powerful sensation of powerlessness. It is what had drawn me to her in the first place. That wildness which masked a girl, then a young woman, who did not need to be tamed but soothed with a hand around her throat. She was a wild thing, overwhelmed by the expectations of her family. Now, at last, one of those expectations had been met—though by Viola. An advantageous marriage both political and social.

I stood in front of her door, scenting the air. She wasn’t in the bedroom but rather the dressing room to the side. Pax hovered on the threshold, waiting for me. But when I got closer and could smell him better… Nervous. He was nervous.

Trix, however, paid no attention to the tall alpha. She wore nothing but a thin chemise, her bounty of red hair falling down her back. Once or twice she paused to push some of the curling mass back over her shoulder. All the while, she fixated on perfecting her nest. In fact she seemed to ignore both of us… No wonder Pax had some nerves. Despite the mirrored gold eyes, the fact he was in a feral rut, ready to knot and mate her, nature, so deeply buried in our beings, restrained him. No one, mate or stranger, would break the sanctity of a nest by entering without permission.

So instead of stepping into the nest, I called to her. Allowed her to see the gift I’d brought for her. When I handed her the clothes I’d brought, she snarled at me.

“Don’t come here until you are permitted. Your knots,” she pointed at us. “I want your knots. Not your words. He already tried to talk.”

Her attention turned back to the nest. We watched, entranced, as she spread out our scents.

“Why aren’t you naked? How can you knot me with your clothes on? Alphas…” she growled at the back of her throat.

“You’ll have them, Vixen.” The tension left Pax so suddenly that his shoulders visibly dropped. He began to follow her grumbled request by untying his cravat and handing it to her. She threw it aside. His eyes trained on the little omega who shuffled about, making her nest with anything that would smell of us, her mates. I glanced at Pax. There was no way she would finish her heat without Pax’s bite on her. That made my cock ache as well.

Where Trix was all soft, generous curves, Pax was hard lean muscle. He lacked the expected bulk of an alpha, but any more bulk and he’d be almost inhuman large.

I’d never paid much attention to his mate stain before. But tonight in the flickering candle light my eyes were drawn to the bloom of port coloured stain on his shoulder. Could I be too fanciful and imagine it to look like the outline of a rose? Of course I could, especially when roses filled my senses, caused me to lose all sense and left me standing fully clothed beside my mate’s nest while they stripped before me. It was an erotic etching come to life. Goddess, did I want to participate or continue to watch them? Both. Neither. For this almost seemed a dream. A week ago, I’d not imagine the possibility of fucking either of them. Now that would be an immediate reality. Both. I’d have both of them clamping down on my knot. I wanted to feel Pax around me almost as much as I needed the feeling of my mate on my knot.

“Naked!” Trix pointed at me. “Get naked or leave.”

Did she know how commanding she sounded? How an alpha would do whatever an omega wanted? That she did not need to order us to do anything, for we were hers to direct with a sigh or pleading eyes?

Did she know how her words echoed this afternoon, when she’d walked in on me and Pax? I doubted it. She was so deep in her heat that prickles of perspiration appeared on her chest, sliding between her breasts, just begging to be licked. There were other, sweeter, things I wanted to run my tongue against, but first I would get naked. Show these perfect creatures how much I valued their bodies, souls, and beings by covering them with my seed. Rubbing my cum and my scent into their skin until no one could tell us apart. In a few short days we would be a single unit.

“Now. Come to me now.” Trix’s eyes glittered with need as her eyes consumed every glorious naked inch of Pax’s body.

He prowled towards her, his hand stroking up and down his cock, squeezing the knot, and his scent… Goddess, his scent filled the room, matching hers, and mine. In a few days time, there would be no way to distinguish between us, but for now I relished picking apart the harmony of smells.

Beatrice stood, that soft body, illuminated by candles. I glanced around. It was too dark. I wanted to see them. I wanted to watch Pax sink his teeth into her mate gland. Needed the satisfaction on his face, the ecstasy on hers. For the way her eyes had grown wide and her mouth dropped into a soundless moan of pure pleasure. I could remember her like that. Speared on my knot, her gland bleeding from where I’d bit her. Just that single glance was all I needed. And I needed it again. I wanted that now. I returned to the bedroom, a box of candles sat on the table but there weren’t enough candle sticks for my liking. “Dammit.”

A sliver of moonlight caught my eye. I pushed the curtains back. A full moon. It was a sign that the Goddess was blessing our union.

Through the open door, I could see two bodies twisting together. We would not be cloaked in darkness. The flickering light of candles rebounded off the mirror someone had dragged into the nest and moonlight cast a sheer, colder light over my lovers. It would have to satisfy me for now.

Stepping back into the nest, I saw Pax had not waited. It brought forth a satisfied growl. We would have her mated soon. The first time he knotted her in her heat would be when he mated her.

Pax knelt in the centre of the nest, thighs wide with Beatrice’s legs draped over his, revealing everything to my greedy eyes while she arched her back forcing her breasts to sit proud begging to be sucked on, worshipped. Especially the sweet, sweet sight of his cock disappearing into her slick heat, then the tease as he lifted her revealing the shining hard length. At the base, his knot was already swollen. A fact of her heat. She’d have to take cock and knot at once.

I growled, thrilled by the sight of my lovers together. At the way she submitted to his use of her body. How she enthralled the large alpha.

“Jack,” they spoke as one. I’d not deny them and dropped to my knees within easy reach, mapping their bodies with my hands.