“First tell me why you mated my wife’s sister and then abandoned her!”

“That is none of your business,” I moved in front of Jack as if… As if to protect him.

“I am the senior alpha to the Hartwells—“

“Her mother lives,” I warned him even as I knew Jack and I would be more senior once we’d officially taken Beatrice for our mate. She was the eldest omega, and no matter that Viola was a duchess, Beatrice would always be older. “And there is Iris.”

“You’ve seen how the Hartwell alphas care for their omegas.”

“Then you might understand that they were the ones who bungled the damn thing!” I snapped.

“How dare you alpha me in my own house?”

“Stop.” Hero looked nothing like the sad creature I’d seen leave the breakfast parlour. Instead twin spots of colour graced her cheeks. She looked more indignant than heartbroken. I determined I would never understand the fairer sex. No man treated in such a barbaric manner would possess the offended dignity like armour. We howled and raged, no matter our dynamic. “You are all so…”

She wrinkled her nose. “Sweet Goddess. Why would anyone want to be an alpha or omega? They wanted to kill Claude. Now you are going to kill each other because all the omega scents make you furious and irrational. Aren’t there more important things like her heat?”

“Her heat?”

“She’s nesting. She wanted some time to prepare her nest first. Fair warning, she does not consider these circumstances ideal,” Mrs Markham warned. “Now that arrangements for her heat have been made, I think we shall start packing. Hero, come with me.”

“No. I need to be here. You…” She bit her lip. I narrowed my eyes. For a girl whose former fiancé had called her a slut not so long ago, her persistent calm was causing me increasing alarm. “I’ll not leave until after Beatrice’s heat.”

The Orley’s butler added to the chaos at that moment by being third, or was it fourth? body to clog up the door—our only way to leave and get to Beatrice. “Her Grace, asked for you Your Grace.”

Orley nodded and exited, with a quick order Jack and I stay here until he returned.

“Must we…” Jack growled. He sucked in a calming breath which seemed to catch in his throat. “There is… Do you think? Could something be wrong.”

I froze, catching his meaning, scenting the air. But beyond the more present smells of the others, the heady musk of Jack, and the almost gentle tenor of the duchess… There… That same intoxicating combination of roses and slick that I remembered from the first time I’d met Beatrice. My aching cock twitched, and I caught how Jack’s scent spiked as well.

“No. Nothing is wrong… But let’s go and damn Orley,” I whispered into his ear.

Jack grabbed my arm and stopped me. “We should… We should wait. It is the right thing to do.”

“Damn the right thing. She is our omega.”

He kissed me. Hard, biting, demanding.

“Ours,” he whispered into this kiss. “Ours, Pax. But we should wait. If she has gone into heat… She’ll want her nest ready.”

I did not like to think she wanted to build her nest without us there. I wanted to watch each moment she prepared for us to rut her. A low growl came to the surface. “When we next have her between us, I’m going to blister her hide for running off like that instead of taking us with her. Her heat is ours. Why should anyone else see the nest we will fuck her in?”

“What are you doing?” We jumped apart. Mrs Markham glared at us. “Your omega is in heat and you’re playing hide the—“

Jack pulled away from me and with a smirk took off. The chase was on.

“Good’een Madam,” I grinned at the older omega.

“Feral alphas… Take care of her.”

“While we live, no harm shall come to her. I make this vow to the Goddess. Now, if you excuse me, I have an omega to fuck.”

We made it to the first landing when the rich scent of roses hit me. Everything vanished but that smell and how it mingled with mine and Jack’s.

“I’m going to break her,” I muttered for there would be nothing gentle about rutting my Vixen in her nest. My voice sounded strangled. An omega in the height of her heat was a wild thing, designed by the Goddess to accommodate an alpha’s knot. “She won’t be able to walk…”

“Do not hurt her. If I think you will harm her in any way, I will kill you,” Jack growled.