“How would he get one?” I asked. He would need to apply to the Archbishop or one of his officials. For someone as unimportant as Stimpson, that would not be an easy task for a nobody alpha. I could only imagine that he’d lied to her.

“I don’t know. But he said he could.”

I looked around me as if the answer to this pronouncement would appear. I shook my head to clear my thoughts but only felt more confused than before. I knew my heat was near. I could feel my body preparing itself. Even more pressing was my desire for my alphas’ knots. I poured myself another cup of tea and added three teaspoons of sugar to it.

“Hero…” Mrs Markham reached out a hand but her daughter ignored it.

“I know,” she sniffed back a tear that rebelliously fell down her cheek. “Beatrice is near her heat. I can’t even smell it but… I understand you can’t help it. And that is more important than my problems.”

“That is not true. What happened to you… That is important. But my heat is…” I brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. “You are very observant. Did you know that?”

“Everyone thinks I’m quiet and stupid.”


“You remember how stupid I was. How long it took me to speak and learn my letters.”

“It happens that way. You’ve other talents. Goddess…” The cramps that heralded my heat gripped me. “Oh, Goddess. I… Hero, I am sorry.”

“Beatrice? Oh… Oh… Please! Viola!”

“I need to find my alphas…”

“No, your nest. Let us get you to your nest.

They led me away, and some small part of me was glad that my heat had come on in that moment. Perhaps the distraction would do Hero good. Give her mind another direction and take her away from the horribleness of her situation.

The nesting closet off my room wasn’t so small, certainly large enough for the feather mattress the beta servant was dragging into it. More linens appeared along with a tray with tepid broth, which Mrs Markham watched me drink. It seemed like everyone was taking part in my heat.

“They had lovers…” I mused. “How strange to think that an omega is ruined so easily but an alpha might have as many lovers as the stars…”

Mrs Markham’s voice came through, “You can’t expect any of you to be completely without lovers.”

Yes, I’d had a beta with me during a heat before. It was never the same as that one heat with Jack. But an omega who wasn’t on suppressants could barely survive a heat without going mad… especially if they had a mating bite.

“Please… I need them.”

“Your nest first. You want your alphas to come to a nice nest, don’t you?”

Words were impossible for the pain in my womb. Nothing would be right until I had a knot. “I need a knot,” I pleaded.

“Soon, love.”

“I’m so glad I’m not an omega,” Hero muttered as she helped me pull another feather mattress into the closet, while Viola gathered more linens.

“Have any of your heats been normal?” Viola asked as she watched me twitch the pillows.

“No. Do you have any lemons? I think I want to eat lemons.”

“I’ll see what I can do.” Viola glanced at a lost looking Hero. “Go, my sweet. Go. We have everything. Uh, find a servant and get some lemons for her to suck on. And then maybe the alphas?”

“Let us leave her.” Mrs Markham said. “You need to prepare, Beatrice. Your alphas are coming soon.”

They left me in my nest and I fidgeted with each passing moment. Eventually determining that I needed to be naked more than I needed to maintain any modesty.

My clothes went into the nest, but something was missing. I looked around, uncertain what needed to be there. Then I saw it through the open door.

A long, free standing mirror. I crawled out of my nest and used the door frame to allow me to stand. The cramps were a dull but persistent ache, and I wanted to curl into a ball. But the mirror… I walked across the thick carpet and stood before it.