“Sister, you are sweet and naive. Lord Paxton and Colonel Fordom share lovers. I was just another—“ I bit the words off. Hadn’t I just admitted that their sharing lovers before me didn’t matter? That now they belonged to me? “Viola. I—“

“Oh! Now I know why Syon gets angry at me. For an intelligent woman you are blind! So what if they have shared lovers. Syon had lovers before me. What of it? And you had betas during your heats!”

“You do not understand. What I said to them just now… Goddess, I’m so embarrassed I do not know how I will ever be able to face them again. Jack is my mate. For ten years. He left me.” I froze. She didn’t know.

If I’d expected a scream of shock I’d be sorely disappointed. The Duchess of Orley—the most audacious omega of our times—simply sunk onto the stiff backed hall chair. Her eyes, wide and wondering.

“Your mate?” she asked.

I pulled at the loose collar revealing the Lovers' Circle. If anything, her eyes grew rounder.


“I cannot… If Syon took lovers now? Though you are not mates…”

She nodded, tears sparkling in her eyes.

“Your mate?” An alpha roar had my heart stop in my chest.

Orley stood in the doorway.

“Syon…” There was a warning note in Viola’s voice. “This…”

“Who? It ain’t Paxton or Fordom… They’d have you locked up if they could. Though a prison or your nest, I’m not sure which. So what alpha dared leave you?”

My face scrunched up, so unlike me, but the emotions hovered too close to the surface. Tears gathered on my lashes before sliding down my already wet cheeks.

“I want sugar in my tea.” I hiccoughed suddenly feeling so small and lost. “And dry toast.”

“There, there,” Viola wrapped her arms around me. “We’ll get some hot chocolate as well.”

“Who?” He pressed.

“Jack,” Viola said so softly I wondered if he’d heard her. “Jack…”

The energy in the air became thicker with alpha anger. “I’ll kill him.”

“No!” I cried out. “It… it is complicated. Don’t. He is my mate… Ten years. Don’t hurt him.”

“Then why isn’t he with you? He and Paxton should be with you.”

“It is my fault!” I wailed. My whole body feeling shivery and too hot all at once. Everything was too much and I wanted to tear the clothes from my body.

They both sniffed at the air.

“Your heat,” my sister whispered.

“Viola, let her go.” Orley ordered. “Beatrice. Go upstairs, there is a closet in your room you can use as a nest.”

“Syon,” Viola didn’t let me go. “She doesn’t need a nest yet. Her heat won’t be for a few days, possibly a week. She might not want them right—”

“Have her make a nest. Do it, wife. She needs her mate and the other one. I’ll tell them.”

“No.” Viola was firm. “You will not. I meddled. This is my fault. I say we let her go. Order a carriage to take you to London. If that is truly what you wish, Bea?”

I rubbed the tears from my cheeks. “If I lie down. Rest for a while. Hot, sweet tea… I think. And a cool cloth. I’ll be fine.” I sniffed. “I’ve overreacted. I’ll be fine.”

“No carriage then?” Viola asked.