I wasn’t sure which of us began laughing first.

“There. You don’t have to be mad that we’ve shared…”

Wrong thing to say.

“Omegas?” she hissed. “Did you share omegas?”

“You had beta…” Pax began.

“And if I’d had an alpha’s knot? A fat knot stretching my tight pussy while I begged him to bite me? Mark me? What then?”

My hand moved to squeeze her throat of its own accord.

“Now, listen here. Pax had no mate. Fucking an omega during their heat? It meant nothing to Pax… If he ever did, but that is between him and the omega. It is none of your business. Don’t you ever dare lie and say you’ve begged another alpha his bite. You’ll beg Pax. You’ll beg him before he has the chance to beg you to let him bite you—he’d do that. He’d beg you to let him mate you if you held out on him.. But under no circumstances will you lie about wanting any alphas but us…”

“I can…” she began, then wisely held her peace. I should not have been able to feel her emotions. The belief that bonds worked that way had long been dismissed by scientists. Even the priestesses no longer claimed any mystical power of the bond between omega and alpha. Yet I would swear on any altar that my mate felt a fear so deep and insidious she would not be able to conquer it. Not yet, at least. The fear that I—perhaps Pax, though he was not yet her mate—had been intimate with another omega. “You fucked other omegas. Let me go! I want to go!”

“I never fucked any omega but you.” I growled, too furious she could ever imagine I’d betray her like that. But her scent was bitter. Whatever her thoughts or feelings on the matter, they were strong and ugly. “A beta? Yes. But never another omega.”


I could not be moreunreasonable than I was in this moment. A senseless fear enveloped me. My mate and my other alpha had shared lovers like they had shared me… All rational thought fled. Rationally, I knew they were mine. Rationally, I knew their past, my past were just that. But… Oh Goddess, I wanted to scream and cry because the thought of their being with any other but me, especially sharing, made me sick to my stomach. And I knew this irrational jealousy, the accusations, were because of my oncoming heat, but I could not shake the fear.

“You left. You left and you…” But I could not say the words.

“Leave? Why would I do that without a life threatening reason?” Jack growled. His hand around my throat had me whimpering. I had loved him, and now my heart thrashed against the rising tide of fear that he had never meant to come back. Our rejoining had been a cruel twist of fate rather than a second chance at happiness. “Trix, does the farmer wish away the sun and rain? You are the sun and rain to me. The farmer needs both to thrive. I need your sparkling sunshine. I need your nurturing rain. Give you up? I grew fallow when I left you. I did not thrive. I survived. You are the same. I am your rain and your sun. If it were otherwise, you would have found another. My mark would have faded away if your omega had rejected my alpha bite. Instead it became more pronounced. Instead I felt a burn here.” He grabbed my hand and twisted my arm so that my hand pressed against his mate stain. “I never went a day without feeling you. And your heats were the worst. I burnt from the inside so that I had to fight, be bloodied up so that the pain would be muted if even for the time it took to beat another into submission.”

My lips quivered as I pressed them together, my entire being focused on my hand against his almost feverish skin. Tears pricked my eyes.

“Say something,” Jack said, a commanding growl moderated by the pure honesty of his speech.

“I never knew an agony like you leaving.” I gulped back a sob. “I could never convince myself to hate you. I tried. I tried. But every teetering moment, memories of you washed away the uncertainty. I should hate you. But I cannot. Only now—”

“He was your chosen mate,” Pax cut me off. “You chose him. It is only natural that you could not give up on what biology proved.”

Silence. I felt numb. Less than numb, as if I was floating… That was wrong too. I felt nothing. Not nothing. Fury. Anger that had no name, it was so visceral and real. If I hadn’t been trapped on two knots I would have run from them.


“You…” The knots inside of me pressed against my openings causing pleasure to mix with the turmoil inside of me. Once that jealous omega had taken hold, the pain and uncertainty spiralled inside of my head, creating connections I’d never considered before. Knowing it was a fiction, a story fabricated out of every insecurity I was born with or had developed in the nearly thirty years I’d been alive.

“You just wanted to fuck me together. Didn’t you? The wounded soldier? The obsessive admirer? Yes.”I sneered as the words poured out from somewhere deep and ugly that feared Jack had not returned to me because he’d found something, someone better than me. How could I have wished him happy with a mate that better suited him? I was his mate and nearly hysterical. Certainly beyond being reasoned with. “I understand. Goddess! I can’t believe I fell for it. The long game… Nothing but a pair of alphas wanting an omega whose virtue was lost. A wanton slut with nothing worth having between her legs. And here I was thinking that… That it meant something. Let me go!”

“A knot doesn’t just go down,” Paxton snapped. But it wasn’t him who held my attention. Jack, my mate, was silent. Not defending himself, or them. Just silent. No, I wanted him to plead. I wanted him to fight and tell me that I was mistaken that it meant something. I wanted to know that when I said “love” that my feelings were honestly returned. That his “love” had as much in it. I retreated into myself. The numb feeling back, as I realised that I was not going to get away from them any time soon.

Still, I struggled against their knots. It hurt, but, oh how I needed to be free of them so that I might cry in peace.

Only the Goddess knew why, but their knots released me faster than I could have imagined. Pax rolled away from me, allowing me to stand on shaky legs. An embarrassing rush of cum and slick, slid down my legs. I felt sick to my stomach. They were going to let me go. Let me…

“You…” I swallowed. I had to ask. “You did this on purpose. You…”

I pulled away and it seemed to jerk Jack out of his stupor. A hand gripped my wrist.

“Don’t go,” Jack growled. It wasn’t a bark. He would know not to bark at me. “Let us explain. We shared betas… It never meant anything. You mean everything. You are the sun and the rain. Listen to us, omega!”

“You should have told me about all the others. Told me that this was a… conquest for you. I spent a decade believing you worthy. That you were wrong for thinking yourself unworthy. But perhaps the shoe is on the other foot. I am the one unworthy of the great, celebrated Colonel Fordom. And only an oddity to be collected by the civilised and fashionable Lord Paxton.” All my fears bubbled to the surface shaking the very foundations we three had begun laying. “Omegas. Nothing more than objects. I’ve had your knots and now I’m done with them… This is all wrong. It wasn’t meant to happen like this.”

“Was this just a game for you? To see…” Pax growled. “To reject us after what just happened? Do you think we must grovel and prove to you how much we want you? Fair to say possessive. I want to possess you, but not as an object.”