“Shall I…” she trailed off, her hands at the fastenings of her breeches.
“Yes, all of it. Off.” Pax’s voice was tight, but not as tight as the way he gripped my cock—almost as if it was the one thing holding him in check. He was on the point of going to her, fucking her, and damn the consequences. How could I blame him when her breeches were soaked with slick? The dark stain proof of her arousal. And her scent. Those heady roses that had been my downfall before, were now, and would be again. She shoved them down, struggling a little as she wiggled them over her hips, I wanted to see the swell of her ass as it was freed—another time and another after that. Underneath and tied with blue garters, her stockings were sheer with slick, the scent of which filled my lungs. They were the next to go, hastily rolled down her thighs and dropped on the pile of clothing. She straightened, and the tuft of red curls above her sex taunted us with the promise of her slick cunt.
Then… Then she threw her shoulders back, lifted her chin, and strutted towards us.
It might have been twenty paces but it felt like a hundred, for she took her time. Eyes on us, near black with desire.
And those hips.
They were more than generous, almost heavy in the way they swayed. How her belly hung down a little bit, making an alpha want to hold her, worship every one of her curves. She’d have dimples on her thighs to grip while I shoved my knot into her weeping sex.
“Come to us, Trix,” I growled. “Let us see just how brave you are when you take our knots.”
Beside me, Pax hissed in a breath at my words. Had I been so explicit in my desire to fuck her? I could not remember, but now, the three of us here, I would spell it out for each of them. There would be nothing, not even an angel’s breath between us.
I froze.
“Brave?” I asked. “You know exactly who I am and what I am capable of. An alpha’s knot doesn’t scare me, Colonel.”
“But two might.” His grin twisted into a growl full of latent desire. “Can you take two knots, Trix?”
The two alphas were still wrapped in each others arms—Paxton’s hand grinding against my mate’s hard cock. The image burned on my memory that I would be able to recall each detail one hundred years from now. Even blind, my hands riddled with arthritis, I could draw them like this.
Their kiss had caught me off guard. Two alphas? Had this been something they’d kept from the world? And for how long? For there had been nothing awkward between them. They looked so comfortable in each others’ arms, and all I wanted was to be there with them. Feeling their heat, their hands, their mouths tracing incoherent patterns on my skin. I wanted to return the favour. Sipping at their taste and acquiring their scent until I forgot my own.
And the way they looked at me. Staring. Making my skin prickle with awareness, and my nipples pebbled under their scrutiny.
I wondered if I would ever be able to go back to a time before I knew what it felt like to have these two alphas staring at my naked body. It was as if closing the door, a simple movement to keep others out had slammed a barrier between my life before this moment and all others going forward. I’d come to talk to them. Lay out my hand and demand to see their cards. A conversation between adults. An agreement to a courtship. One society could acknowledge. But now, I’d walked in on them and every thought to expose us to the world evaporated under the heat of their gazes.
“Omega… Come closer, omega.” Jack’s crooning purr had me shifting my thighs together as slick poured from me, and I licked my lips as a sudden craving for sweets caught my attention. My heat, I realised. My feet stopped moving. My heat. Oh Goddess, how stupid could I be? My heat. I’d even prepared to have my heat at Ayleigh.
Being with these two?
I whimpered. I wanted their knots. I wanted new memories with them. To wipe away the past. Was I about to go into heat in the room? With these alphas whose eyes devoured me?
In the week leading up to this moment, fear of the conflicting desires and needs I felt had damn near overwhelmed me. Then I’d made up my mind. They might be alphas. They had motives beyond my understanding, but they weremyalphas. My heat was theirs as much as it was mine. Or, that is what my instincts told me. Reason demanded I walk away. Seven days was not so many to forgive one and learn to tolerate the other. Desire was not a basis for a mating. But reason played a minuscule part in the resolution I’d made: I’d chase them, corner them, and announce in no uncertain terms my desire. They’d knot me and my desire would be soothed. Our carnal needs put to the side, we could discuss… Things. An inadequate word, if ever there was one.
“Omega,” Pax growled. My eyes flashed towards him.
Jack just pulled away from the other alpha and took the half dozen steps until he stood in front of me.
“Kiss,” he demanded. Our lips brushed. Our lips teased. The difference in our heights made the kiss awkward, but no less perfect. Jack’s hands wandered over my back, caressing every curve, cupping and kneading my bottom. I wriggled closer, straddling one of his thighs, rubbing my slick covered sex along the hard muscle. The friction satisfied the ache I felt between my legs but equally reminded me my mate wore too many clothes.
“You want to kill me?” Jack asked against my lips.
“I didn’t shoot you the other day, so let’s say that for now that I don’t.” I giggled, my spirits lifted by the desperation in his voice, proof that I wasn’t the only affected by our kiss.
He made a funny noise that almost sounded like a laugh, then picked me up. Goddess, there was something thrilling about being handled like I weighed nothing. I instinctively wrapped my legs around him and felt his cock and knot straining against his breeches, pressing into my core.
Then Pax was behind me, fisting my hair and yanking my lips away so that he could claim me. But the kiss was brief. It seemed the alpha had things to say. “You between us… You are never going to leave. We are going to fuck you, Vixen, and then you’ll be begging us for more than just our knots.”
“Just your knots,” I said. “Just your knots.”
“You say that now…”
Jack didn’t say a word. His hands gripped my ass pressing my core against his hardness. I groaned. “I’m soaking your breeches.”