The kiss eased. Softened. Pax still had his hand around my neck, and I dared to return the favour, flexing my fingers around the powerful column of his throat.

I broke away first. “If I’d known…”

“If I’d known,” he echoed my words and rested his forehead against mine, breathing hard and grinding his erection against mine.

“Puck told me I was an alpha fucker,” I chuckled, feeling the weight of the world slipping away for one minute. I gritted my teeth together, warring emotions of desire and anger and something softer that I wasn’t ready to address. “Now. I want to fuck you now.”

The door clicked open, but neither of us moved. Mad though it was, I felt no shame in being caught with another alpha—our hands around each other's throats. All the more reason to feel no shame, given the omega who had just walked in on us.

“Oh.” I turned at the sound of Trix’s voice, a perfect confirmation of the heady scent of roses. She stood on the threshold, her hair in a loose braid over one shoulder, but otherwise her appearance was neat as a pin. I’d not seen her hair down since the heat, spread over sheets, tangled and perfect.

Pax, calm as ever, leant in and bit my lip. “The Goddess has given us a gift,” he said so quietly I knew he meant it for my ears alone.

Then her scent hit me. Thick and floral and mine. Her heat! Goddess. She was near it. Not yet, my alpha growled. Not yet but soon. Her heat would be soon. And then…

The scents of elfwort, pine, and roses heightened. They should not smell so good together. There would be no perfumier who would be bottling the scent and selling it. Then again, I did not want anyone but the three of us enjoying the combination.

No quagmire had ever smelt so good.

“What are you doing?” She breathed, her nostrils flared. Her whole body swaying towards us. “I wanted to… To talk. Yes. Talk.”

“Do you want to join us?” Pax purred. “Shall we ask her to join us?”

“Fuck, Pax,” I moaned. The images of every fantasy I’d ever had collided with the very real fact Pax’s alpha was riding him hard. Those mercurial eyes glinted gold in the afternoon light. “Not a good… Not here.”

She might be aroused by our combined pheromones, but that did not mean she wanted to join us. For when Pax asked her to join us, he did not mean for an afternoon. He would take her presence as confirmation that she now belonged to him, to us.

“Vixen,” Paxton growled. “Come to us or leave… Come to us and you shall never leave us. This is your only warning. Now and forever. Or never.”

“You desire me to kneel at your feet, my lord?” she asked, her cheeks flushed. But those eyes of hers challenged us. “Do you wish to see me on my knees?”

“You know I do.”

Never would I have imagined my mate kneeling at our feet. I growled at Pax in annoyance. She would need a bit more… She would need the illusion of freedom.

Trix never did the expected. She did not walk out. She did not walk towards us. She turned and closed the door with a sharp click.

With her back to us, she removed her shoes, kicking them to the side. Then the most beautiful omega I’d seen turned. A martial light in her eyes as she began to strip off her coat, shrug out of her waistcoat, and then, more erotic than anything, remove her cravat, allowing her shirt to slip open, exposing the Lovers’ Circle I’d given her.

We three stood. Pax and I enraptured like any angel kneeling at the Goddess’ feet. Trix, our Goddess, stood straight and proud. Despite her diminutive height, she loomed large in this great room. The image of us kneeling before her, worshipping her, flashed before my eye. Perhaps at a later date when she was bound to us. But… But I would be willing to give up my alpha pride for enough time with her to worship that body of hers even if meant crawling before the world to get to her.

“Well? What now?” She asked in the same manner she might ask about what we had for dinner yester’eve. “Shall I strip?”

Our twin alpha growls had her omega visibly preening. She would have her moment and then she would be ours. But first we would permit her to show off, to tease and tantalise as was her dynamic’s prerogative.

Trix, sweet and reckless to the last, did just that. Her fingers ghosted along her curves until she could tug her shirt from her breeches. My breath hitched—though from the way Pax rubbed my cock over my breeches or the incremental way she pulled her shirt up and over her head.

She wore no corset, so nothing impeded us from gazing on the bounty before us. Her breasts were fuller than when I’d rutted her through her first heat, and the lacework of blue veins demonstrated just how fair her skin was. Her nipples still that perfect dusky, rose pink, her curves fuller, softer—for though her waist came in, there was a roundness in her belly that made her all omega. It swelled over the band of her breeches making my hands itch to touch all that beautiful exposed skin. When we fucked her through her heat—we would, we must—that extra layer of fat would keep her healthy, ensure that she did not weaken. Her heat would be strong and she would—

No, I’d not get ahead of myself. But it was hard not to when my knot was already swollen from my kiss with Pax and our combined scents. I dared not touch, not with Pax near and hanging on by the thinnest of threads. Whether he’d ever admit it, I kept him in check during our trysts. Now, however, I felt control slip through my fingers.

My mate, across whose stomach were fine marks, proof of her loss. I’d kiss them. I’d kiss them and swear with each brush of my lips that never again would she have to face the world alone.



Mine… Dear Goddess, what I wanted to do to her body.