“Why do you care about Hero Markham? She is a child,” she said. I gave her a pass, allowed her change the topic. I fought to win the war, not every skirmish.

“Yes. Eighteen. She’ll be presented this year according to her mother.”

“And her presentation automatically makes her mature?” Beatrice shook her head. “Lawd. What idiocy they teach alphas. Eighteen might be her age, but when has age ever reflected a person’s ability to go about in the world? Omegas are expected to be out in society at eighteen, expected to be ready for marriage and mating. I acknowledge that she is a beta, but she has been raised as if she were an omega because of her parentage and her place in society. She is a young girl whose fortune exceeds fifty thousand pounds. Yet an alpha and most betas are still considered wet behind the ears at that age. No, my lord, I do not find her age to be any consideration of her ability to engage with the world. She is innocent. More innocent than I at that age.”

“You had a mate at that age!” I growled. I hated the reminder. Goddess, but I wanted to hunt down the alpha and make it clear he had no place in this world. “The circumstances could not be more dissimilar.”

“So having a mate at eighteen, which you did not know until the other afternoon, I must therefore be treated without the consideration you showed my little sister? You treat Hero’s virtue with more concern than you have shown me. You seek to cosset and protect them ‘from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune’ as Shakesperia says—out of context, but still. As a ruined omega, I am nothing. Just—“ Her words cut off, and she showed me her back. “All alphas must think me ruined.”

“You are not ruined. Dammit. Look at me.” I swung her towards me. My story would not be easy to tell, but she must be looking at me when I told her. She must see the root of all my actions. She must see my past in order to understand our future. “I look out for them because… My sisters died when they were but fifteen and seventeen. A fever contracted while out riding. They got caught in a storm. It took my mother as well, but her constitution had never been strong. My sisters, though, were full of life. Beautiful and accomplished omegas. Both eager to enter the world, find their mates. I could not guide them, protect them because I was on the continent. I’ll not make the mistake again. I’ll not permit an omega or anyone weaker than myself to expose themselves to easily preventable risks. I could protect Viola—or try to protect that little hellion. Look out for her—as did Jack, mind you. Hero reminds me of Tiffany so much that I cannot help myself but protect her. I can only ask that you look out for the small thing. I cannot go to her and warn her off a man whose debts are great and pressing. One who needs to marry for wealth or end up in debtors prison. I ask you because you are older, more experienced with the world than she. That is to your age now not your age when you were mated.”

Throughout my speech I watched how that beautiful face transformed with each new emotion. Her sorrow at the story of my sisters, disbelief when I told her again that I didn’t trust the slippery alpha, and, finally, incomprehensibly, anger.

“I did not know about your sisters. I cannot… If I lost my sisters I would be devastated… I can understand why an alpha might see that as reason to be high-handed in his methods to protect those he perceives as being weaker. But my point stands. You seek to protect everyone but me… Viola, Hero, and, I’m certain, Polly if given the chance…”

“I doubt Hippolyta needs saving,” I growled, though I’d no desire to explain how the terrifying little omega had threatened me. That was between us. “But, yes, if it were in my power I would help her.”

“Of course,” Beatrice sneered. “Help everyone but me! I am just something you wish to buy and bury amongst your other treasures! An omega to add to your hoard. I mean nothing! You ignore my true value and nature. Only seeing and lusting after the parts you desire.”

Was she jealous? I narrowed my eyes. She was jealous—I was sure of it. In her mind, protecting the others and not her meant I did not care for her. The realisation would have knocked me to the ground if the surge of deep satisfaction hadn’t forced me to move into her space, crowding her so that it was my scent that overwhelmed her.

“I am nothing to you.” She crossed her arms, a sneer marring her pretty features. “You’d do well to stay away from me when I’m in this mood.”

“I do not believe you to be nothing.” I pinched the bridge of my nose. Never in my life had I needed to bluntly state my meaning. Nor had I ever come across a man or woman who did not recognise when I desired them—except perhaps Jack, but that was another matter. Never had I needed to spell my need out. Yet here was this woman, this omega, whose sense of smell should have told her how aroused I was just by being in the same room with her, who seemed to want me to treat her as a sister rather than an omega I wanted to mate!

“You want me to treat you like I treat your sisters? I’ve no interest in that,” I said through gritted teeth. If only I could get my knot in her hot, slick quim, Jack’s cock in her mouth, and something stretching her ass… Perhaps that would give me time to make my interest clear without her protesting every step of the way. Yes. That was an appealing way, the only way, to ensure that she never envied my treatment of her sisters and little Hero Markham again. Full of cum, she would be much more docile… No, she required regular discipline… To soothe my need to master her and ensure that she knew people, that I cared if she chose to step out of line and cause a scandal. “Do I need to knot you to make my intentions clear?”

Her body swayed towards mine, eyes growing wide at my words. A comfortable arousal infused my being. I had gotten through that irrational outburst.

“I’d not want you for a brother either!” Her cheeks flushed hot, and then with a deliberateness designed to provoke, she spoke three simple words. “I. Fuck. Betas.”

That was a surprise. A mated omega like her? Her mate was not around, which perhaps explained it. But I did not have to like the idea she resorted to sex with betas. The thought of another’s hands on her turned my stomach. Then, with a coquettish flourish, she blinked. Oh, so the omega wished to provoke the alpha but revealing the (admittedly) not so scandalous fact she slept with betas?

“You are a little fool.” I felt my body grow tense with anticipation. I’d have her quivering and begging before we were called to luncheon. But first, I would torture her.


I never should have tauntedhim. Paxton was on me in a flash, a hand around my throat.

“Say that again?” He purred. His thumb rubbing along my jaw, almost soothing, if not for the steady grip. Goddess, why did it make me so hot to give over and allow another to control my breath. How did it calm me? I pushed the questions aside when he flexed his hand. “Pay attention, Vixen.”

“I fuck betas during my heats.” I gasped.

“That is a mistake,” he smiled, and his scent deepened. Slick. Hated slick gathered between my folds. “An alpha would be better.”

“You’d be amazed what a man with a cock and a knowledge of the woman’s body can do for an omega in their heat. But I suppose you just prefer to stuff an omega or beta with your knot and consider the job done.” What possessed me? I felt my bite itch and pulse. Could I be going into heat? Not so outlandish, considering that for the first time in a decade I was near my mate. I resisted the urge to lick my lips, I didn’t want to overplay my hand. No alpha would allow what I’d said to go. They would see it as a direct attack on their virility, their power. I, an omega, wouldn’t stand for such disrespect. Instead of fury, his scent deepened. His pheromones clogging the air until I could barely draw a breath without being overwhelmed. The Goddess had been kind enough to allow me to wear cloths full of cotton wool which made it possible for my slick not to pour from me like a river from a broken dam. “You think you are alpha enough for me?”

I licked my lips now, ready to tell him I was just teasing, when he kissed me. The kind of kiss so raw that you forget to breathe. His thin mobile mouth, teasing me open. His hand moving around to fist my hair, holding me in place and hinting at how he might master me. The scrape of his teeth on my bottom lip. His kiss punished me for challenging him. Unknowingly cruel, because no matter how desperate we might be for each other, I struggled to accept a future with him beyond this brief moment of alpha-omega induced madness. Cruel in the longing it called forth. I wanted nothing more than to cling to him forever.

He held me flush to him, but if left to my own devices, I’d press myself against him until not even an angel’s breath could pass between us. Close and closer still, for I wanted to feel his skin against mine. I was a wicked creature to desire this alpha even while my words and reason pushed him away. Oh, but if Jack arrived, I knew I would find myself double knotted and begging for more. Instead, I turned my cheek, knowing my lips were bruised for the violence of his kiss. But better bruised lips than a bruised heart.

“Oh, there you are little Vixen,” he murmured. “Giving and resisting in turn. Do you seek to lure me in because you push me away?”

“No,” I snapped. “Do not suppose you know what I want. Some kind of alpha to think I’d stoop to such behaviour. You—” I stopped myself before I accused him of taking advantage of me. I’d been the one to provoke him. I was the one who wanted to push him, see how far I could go before his control snapped and he exerted all of that coiled alpha passion on me. I craved that side of him. He used his strength to bend my neck, to hold me immobile for him to scent me. From his overwhelming height, I was a little mouse. In that moment I feared he would leave. Abandon me to the torment of unfulfilled desire.

Then I smelled the shift in his scent. Arousal. And I blushed for I felt the slick gather between my folds… Goddess, he would know I wanted him.

“My little Vixen.” He looked at me as he had when we first met. Wondrous desire as his eyes wandered over my face. “Let me show you exactly why I’ve no desire to treat you like I treat your sisters.”