“Shut up.” I raised my pistol and pointed it at him. Why hadn’t I listened to my alphas when they had warned me about him? “I don’t want to shoot. Leave. Get out of here…”

“No. I need her fortune. I owe Drexler ten thousand pounds. He’ll have his pound of flesh… It ain’t so bad that you’re here… I could do with an omega since this bitch is just a beta. Nothing like an omega cunt. And you were just in heat. If I bite you now, it will mark you good. Those stuck up fucks won’t want to touch you then. Your virtue is already ruined a thousand times over.”

“How dare you say something like that to Beatrice!” Hero cried out. Hero! Oh, Hero! my heart broke for her. This was a man she loved, had loved, for I doubted those warmer feelings could ever exist now.

“What’s to do here? I heard a shout.” An alpha’s voice broke through my rage. I looked over my shoulder to see a strikingly beautiful man with guinea gold hair, green eyes, and not quite Pax’s age.


“Move!” he roared. I didn’t move fast enough. Stimpson lurched to his feet, pushing me back and grabbed the gun from my hand. He pointed it at me and then towards the strange alpha.

“Get back! I will kill her!”

“No,” Hero screamed and stumbled forward. She swung the candle holder, knocking Stimpson over the head causing him to crumple to the ground. Seeing him unconscious triggered her tears. Surprisingly it was the strange alpha who acted first, gathering her in his arms, and sweeping her off her feet and out of the room. I followed, too dazed to quite know how quickly it had ended.

“Where are you headed? Where can I take you?” He asked over his shoulder.

“Ayleigh. The Duke of Orley is my brother-in-law. Take us there. I should…” I paused. The thought Stimpson would be allowed to get away with this infuriated me. Then I remembered my pistol which was still in the parlour with Stimpson. A plan, neither noble nor wise, came to me. I wanted that man to die for what he had done, what he planned on doing. The Goddess had now granted me the opportunity to rid this earth of this pathetic excuse of a human being, who was passed out cold on the parlour floor. The breath I took to steady my suddenly rattled nerves did not help. Instead, I’d sucked in all the courage in the world. I felt powerful, feral in my need to destroy Stimpson. This, I realised, was how Hippolyta felt when she raged against the harm alphas did omegas, how desperately she wished to take the law into her own hand and rescue those omegas who were under the thumb of cruel and vicious alphas. I was Vengeance. I would be justice. I would be like Hippolyta, the rarest of rare, an Apex Omega, defending our dynamic and those in our care with the ferocity and violence of an alpha. This was greater than the Blaze I had felt in the breakfast room at Ayleigh. Rarer, more deadly for the coldness that infused my being.

The stranger cleared his throat. I flushed realising I needed to finish my thought. “I’ll be with you in a minute. A groom is out front. I’ve forgot his name. But he came here with me. I’ll be back.”

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“To tie him up!” I called over my shoulder. I could hear a muttered curse but did not wait. I had my bloody purpose: destroy that alpha who had hurt my friend and proved a risk to all omegas and women.

I returned to the parlour, but there he wasn’t. The windows were closed shut, and certainly he could not have followed us out. How had he gotten away?

“Where?” I looked about.

A single shot rang out. I screamed when I felt the bullet's hot bite in my side. My mates’ faces flashed before my eyes. Would they know? Would they feel my pain down our bond? Impossible, but I wanted our bond to be that strong. “They’re going to kill me if I die…” I took a shuddering breath to hold back the tears threatening to fall down my face.

“Omegas, always so melodramatic,” Stimpson sneered. “But you’re no good to me dead. I’ve plans for you yet. Even without your virtue intact, an omega could make me enough money to set me up for life. I’ll find a buyer for your loose holes and morals.”

I snarled my anger as hot and biting as my wound. I did not want to die, but even more I did not want to live through what he threatened.

The world faded away.

To be continued…