
“You must see… Here. Here,”I stabbed at the sheet in front of the duke. I’d been good enough to bring a draft of my book for him to review. But all he wanted to do was discuss the winter lambing, even though there had been no news since we’d concluded the business last week. I suspected he was doing it on purpose. Could alphas be more insufferable? “See. Omegas do not lack the qualities of any dynamic. They merely are slaves to their nature, as alphas are. Their bodies smaller, to be sure, but their minds as great.”

“As great?” he blinked lazily. I gritted my teeth. At times I wondered if he deliberately provoked me or if he was stupid. The latter, of course, was ridiculous. His mind was agile and exciting. In the past fortnight, I’d engaged in more debate about topics that mattered than the past six months combined. The duke excited me beyond his natural, physical allure. I flushed. At times I marvelled he could not scent the faint trickles of arousal I’d come to expect when I was in his company.

“As great,” I emphasised. “Why, my sisters are better versed in—“

“Latin, Greek, and practically every philosopher known to mankind. Better than half the alphas who sit in parliament?” he offered.

“I do not deny it,” I said stiffly. Oh, it made me cross when he threw my own words in my face. His ability to recall, near word perfect, every conversation we’d ever had was wasted on him.

“Don’t resent me because of my superior memory, you brat. Don’t look surprised that I can read your thoughts. You complain about it enough. Claws in, Hartwell,” he smirked. His crooked nose should have made him ugly, but when he was in this teasing mood, the great Duke of Orley was almost boyish in his handsomeness. I wanted to keep him in a mood where the difference in our ranks melted away and he opened up to me. I flushed as an unreasonable thrill coursed through me. They came on whenever he addressed me as he might address any other alpha.Hartwell. An equal of sorts. I preened before realising his smirk had grown while he’d been observing me. I pressed my lips together… Provoking alpha!

“My upbringing is such that I shall ignore you insult. May I recite what my sister Viola said this morning? Over breakfast,” I felt the need to add.

“You’ll bother me until you do. Stand in front of me,” he waved. I could see his thoughts as clear as day. “Stand there—“

“Like a schoolgirl?” I asked, hurt that he could make me feel so small with a simple command.

“No, wild one. Like a member of Parliament,” he beckoned me forward. “Do you think your abilities that of a mere child? Do you believe I think so little of you? You are more like to lead our country than wear leading strings. Which is it to be? Schoolgirl or Prime Minister?”

It would be role play either way. A taboo I never thought to consider, yet his offer had my heart rushing with desire.—Not a carnal desire, I blushed at the thought. No, this was the aspiration to step outside my dynamic. This alpha was, unknowingly, giving me a chance to make-believe.

We grinned at each other.

“Then take your place, Prime Minister Hartwell.”

I moved in front of him. Closed my eyes, calmed my pounding heart as I conjured the—I drew a blank.

“I do not know what it looks like,” I admitted. I peeked at him through my lashes. There was no derision. Just a soft smile of understanding. How could he understand? No doubt he had been to a million places I as Viola would never step foot.

“The stage is less important than the words,” he told me. “Speak, Hartwell.”

My throat felt dry as if I had swallowed sawdust. Our eyes met. And it came upon me that this was the stage that mattered. He was the alpha I must convince. How could I forget? It was the votes he controlled, rather than his admiration, that I needed to win.

I could. I would.

“Viola spoke thusly over well-buttered toast and tea,” I paused that he might appreciate the ridiculousness of the picture I painted. “Omegas, said she, are the rarest dynamic, and like precious stones, are hoarded and jealously guarded. But in shutting the omega away, the beauty, the brilliance withers as a jewel left in a box grows dull. To truly be appreciated, a jewel must be worn in the sunlight. Allowed to dazzle all and demonstrate to all its value. So spoke Viola Hartwell, omega”

“A shallow comparison,” he remarked.

“It is not,” I snapped. I’d been struck enough by my own words to rush away and write the sentiment down and refine it, commit it to memory. “What Viola says is true! Or are you too proud—“

“The sentiment, I admit, is compelling. Very compelling. But not all value a jewel, no matter its brilliance. Others will covet it once seen and then shut it up.”

“You reject—“

“I did not say that. More—your sister must think of a better comparison… Come. You try to find one.”

“You insult Viola,” I growled. He insulted me. By Our Goddess, this alpha would have me losing my temper, and then I’d be in a fix. For all our comfortable discourse over the last weeks, he would not accept me for who I was. That I was Viola, an omega and aspiring rabble-rouser.

“Think of a better,” he urged. “Tis’ of no import who finds the better comparison. Get the damn thing right and worry less about who came up with the words.”

“Sharp steel,” my eyes glinted. “An omega and a sword are the same. I think of my sister and I think of good steel. The point driving home, sharp enough to kill. If you do not use it? If you keep it in a scabbard the steel will dull. It must be sharpened like wits. An omega is only good if she is matched with an alpha whose skill is good enough to wield her.”

“Good enough. Omegas are the blade rather than a sheath for an alpha to put his sword in,” He cleared his throat. Then I realised the sexual nature of his comment… A man might sheath his cock in an omega’s slick hole—my cheeks flared hot at the thought of his knot and how it might feel, how it might stretch me. The duke was a virile, attractive man and alpha. I was a woman and omega, young and inexperienced. My cravat felt tight, and I tugged at the collar.

“I did not mean—” I bit my lip, unable to put my thoughts into words without embarrassing both of us.