My eyes felt heavy and they closed of their own will. “It does not matter. I am foxed, the drink has taken hold. Pay me no mind. Words will not change things no matter… No matter that I wish I was an omega like—“

My mouth was stopped by warm lips. Lips that were firm yet did not press.

“Goddess, but I love…”

My eyes closed and everything faded to black.

* * *

I woke up the next morning fully clothed in the bedroom I regularly used. My mouth was full of cotton and my head felt like an anvil being pounded by a hammer. I tried to remember how I’d got here, but other than the disaster with Olivia I could not think of how I ended up in one of Syon’s beds and fully clothed, except someone had loosened my dress.

But my head throbbed too much to think on it, so I rolled over and went back to sleep.