Page 109 of Ares

When she was asleep, I made the decision to leave because it wouldn’t be fair to her if I stayed.

This is never going to work.

Those words killed me to say. Because I’m fucking crazy for her, and the idea of her being gone from my life is destroying me from the inside out.

But I need time to think.

It starts to rain as I leave her apartment, and thunder rolls through the clouds as I descend the stairs and walk toward my bike.

I wasn’t expecting you. Her words echo in my head.

Just like I hadn’t expected the kid in the back seat all those years ago. But he was there, and he changed the direction of my life.

I get it. I’m the kid in the back seat. The unexpected change in her life.

But feelings die, especially when they’re built on lies.

“Wait.” Her voice cuts into the gloomy light.

I pause, but I don’t turn around.

“Don’t leave,” she cries out.

If I thought for one second she could forgive me, I’d turn back.

If I believed it wouldn’t hurt her to see me every day, I’d go running to her.

But I took what was dear to her, and I sent it straight to Hell, and she doesn’t need to be reminded of that when she rolls over every morning and sees me lying there.

“Ares, please don’t walk away. I know you probably hate me, but I love you.”

I don’t hate her.

I fucking love her.

With every sorry beat of my cold black heart.

“Please tell me there’s a chance for us,” she pleads.

I can’t help myself. I turn around.

Standing in the rain, she looks so small and sad, and a knot forms in my chest. I want to take her in my arms. Instead, my fists clench.

“You’ll never forgive me,” I say, the rain coming down harder and soaking me, my T-shirt clinging to my body, water dripping down my face.

“It’s not you who needs forgiveness. It’s me. I need your forgiveness. But if you need to hear me tell you that I forgive you, then I will. I forgive you, Ares, with all my heart, you have my word. I know why it had to happen, and it’s all I need to move forward.” She walks down the stairs but stops at the bottom. “But can you forgive me? Can you understand why I did what I did and forgive me for it?”

I want to tell her yes.

That she’s right.

But before I get the chance, the shadows behind her move, and in a flash, something grabs her from behind and drags her into the darkness and out of view.

I’ve never moved as fast in my life.

I run to where she was standing only seconds earlier, but she’s gone, swallowed by the shadows.

One of those psychos is still out there. Jack’s words flash through my mind.