My eyes slid to where Jensen’s hand gripped his cock as he stroked up and down. It was tall and tilted towards his stomach as his fingers grasped it and squeezed. I whimpered, biting my lip for another reason now. I wanted to lick it, suck it, take it between my lips and give him pleasure the same way Ian was giving me. Maybe it was fucking weird, but I liked it when Ian spanked me. The whole dominant vibe he gave off got to me. Outside of the bedroom, I’d throat punch someone for bossing me around and telling me what to do, but here, it felt okay to just let someone else take the lead and control the outcome. It felt safe to let someone else be in charge.

With the life I had led for the past five years, I had to always be in control, constantly looking over my shoulder. So giving up control to Ian and Jensen gave me that moment to truly relax, finally let go. No more problems, worries, or fears. Losing that control made me feel safe and protected, something I had no way of feeling in my everyday life. Not to mention, giving that control over to the two of them made it feel like I could get through my days a bit easier, that I wasn't so alone. It may have taken an immense amount of trust to truly let go, but it was also indescribably freeing. I knew they would take care of me, and in those moments, all I had to focus on was taking whatever they saw fit to give me.

I especially enjoyed when the crop stopped for a moment and Ian’s hand smoothed over the warm skin of my ass. God, I ached and not in a bad way. I wanted something in either my mouth or my pussy. Preferably both, but I’d take whatever I could get right now. Ian sure knew how to keep me panting for more.

“You look so pretty like this, Mare,” Ian said. “What a good girl you’re being.”

I wiggled my ass back at him. “I can be a lot more than a good girl, Sir,” I replied. His hand left my skin, and the crop came down suddenly, making me cry out.

“Did I ask for a response?” he demanded. “Are you looking where Jensen asked you to look?” I wasn’t, I realized. As soon as Ian spoke, I’d tried to look over my shoulder. I couldn’t completely without my hands leaving the bed, but I wasn’t looking at Jensen’s cock. I whipped my head back around.

“I’m sorry,” I said, looking up at Jensen. His lips lifted in a smirk as if to let me know that he wasn’t angry. No, he wasn’t the dominant partner here—he played, but he didn’tneedit like Ian did.

“I bet you are,” Ian said. “Jensen wants your mouth. I think he wants to push his cock between your lips and feel that throat of yours close around him. What do you think about that, Mare? Hmmm.”

With. Fucking. Pleasure.I scrambled forward to do exactly that, but Ian’s next words had me pausing as I felt something slender and light being put on my lower back at the start of my ass. “Ahh, I knew you’d be excited by that, but just letting you blow him would be no fun at all, would it?” Oh, what was my dirty, handsome sadist planning this time? I squirmed a bit and felt whatever Ian had put on my ass slip off. His hand cracked down at the sensitive place between my ass and thigh immediately. There was no erotic pleasure about that pain—it was pure hurt. I whimpered as tears sprung into my eyes. “Here’s the game,” Ian said calmly as he bent down, glancing over my shoulder, I saw him pick up the crop. Before he could look back at me, I whipped my head around to Jensen, whose eyes were glazed over with arousal and mirth. He was amused … and horny. I felt the crop being placed back on my ass, balanced precariously. “You keep this crop here for as long as it takes you to make Jensen come, and I’ll make you a very happy girl, Mare. Can you do that for me?”

I nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

I felt more than saw his smile. “Good girl.” I shifted forward and Jensen was kind enough to come towards me so I wouldn’t have to move so much. I was hyper aware of the crop on my back. “Oh, and one more thing,” Ian said just before I swallowed Jensen’s cock. “If you lose the crop, we’ll start over completely, including the spanking, except this time it won’t be quite as erotic.”

No, it wouldn’t. If I failed this game of his, my ass would be sore for weeks instead of days. I reached forward, oh so carefully clasping the base of Jensen’s dick in my hand. His head arched back, and he groaned as I pumped it once. I could do this. Iwoulddo this. Maybe Ian thought I’d back off. Maybe he thought I wouldn’t rise to his challenge.

Oh, baby,I thought,just you wait and see.

I closed my lips over the tip of Jensen’s cock and sucked him down. Hollowing out my cheeks, I relished his taste. It brought back all of the feelings from the first time I’d done this. It felt dirty, naughty, and wicked. I loved it.

Squeezing him at the base, I licked along his shaft. I hadn’t done this for anyone in five fucking years. While for Ian this was the control he so desperately needed to take, for Jensen—this was just pleasure, reveling in our first time together in so long. This was metakingcontrol. I felt powerful with my mouth on him, his shaft pulsing against my tongue. His legs trembled, and his head tilted down, his eyes meeting mine and burning.

“Fuck, Mare,” he whispered, his fingers sinking into my hair and holding me to him as he slowly thrust into my mouth. There was no need. I’d take him down without a fight just because I loved the way he handled me. Jensen was the perfect mix between Ian’s dominating commands and Archer’s panty-melting softness. His fingers clenched against my scalp, but he still let me play the way I wanted to. I pulled away, breathing hard as I looked at his cock, wet from my lips and tongue.

A small pearl of white fluid leaked out of the tip, and I leaned up, pulling his cock towards me as my tongue reached out and licked at it. He tasted salty and delicious, and I couldn’t hide that I wanted more. Grasping him in my fist and stroking up and down, my eyes locked with his. My chest rose and fell, and the only thing I could hear—even though Ian was in the room and the crop was still laying dangerously close to falling from across my asscheeks—was my heartbeat thundering in my ears.

The real question I needed to ask myself was …will I be able to come back from this if I give in to them again?

I found that I didn’t care for an answer as I leaned forward and took Jensen back into my mouth with a low moan that reverberated from my throat up his shaft. He fucked into the space between my lips with slow, deliberate movements. A hiss slipped between his teeth as he growled, and both hands came against the back of my head to jerk me forward. My eyes widened, and I felt the crop nearly roll off my backside. I straightened my back and felt it settle back into place. But in the same breath, Jensen had buried himself more than halfway into my mouth.

“Swallow it, Mare,” he grunted as he came and the sudden taste of his salty cum invaded my throat.

I swallowed immediately as it filled my mouth and flowed over my tongue. When, finally, he pulled away, I panted and squirmed—my thighs dripping wet. His thumb stroked over the corner of my mouth, catching a bit of his cum that had escaped, and pressed it to my tongue. I closed my lips around his thumb and sucked the same as I’d done to his cock.

“Good girl.” Ian’s voice intruded, but it wasn’t truly an intrusion as much as it was a reminder. I glanced back as I felt his palm caress my ass and take the crop from its unstable position. “You’re such a good girl, Mare. Aren’t you?”

When his hand stroked against my spine and up to the back of my neck, I let my eyes close, arching into his touch like a cat in heat. I liked to be touched, and I especially liked the men doing the touching. “I think she deserves a reward, Boss,” Jensen said, causing my lips to quirk up.I’dput that breathless note in his voice. Me. No one else. That right there was undeniable power.

“I think you’re right,” Ian conceded. “Up, Mare. Let Jensen under you.”

My eyes popped open when Ian used his hold on my hair to pull me up as Jensen turned and shimmied his way beneath me. He moved until his head was sandwiched between my splayed thighs.

“Hands on the headboard,” Ian commanded. There was no way to refuse an order such as that. My fingers wrapped around the back of the headboard as I felt Jensen’s heated breath filter over my soaked pussy. My insides clenched in anticipation. I knew from experience that Jensen was wicked good with his tongue. We’d spent a number of times in the sixty-nine position trying to outlast the other, and I’d so rarely won those battles.

“What do you think he’s going to do, Mare?” Ian asked. “Do you think he’s going to lick your sweet pussy? Bite at your core? Suck your little clit between his lips?” Each word out of his mouth was another nail in the coffin of my libido. I was drowning under him—under both of them. I couldn’t breathe. Ian was at my side, his hand in my hair still, lips dangerously close. His words whispered against my ear as he took the lobe between his teeth and bit down, drawing it away from its natural position to suckle it into his mouth.

A groan echoed up from between my thighs. “Fuck, you should see her down here, Ian.” Jensen’s words blew hot air against my lower lips. “She’s fucking dripping. So fucking ready, aren’t you, Sweetheart?”

I moaned as he leaned up and his tongue came out to play. Jensen licked up my center, sluicing through the cream below to the throbbing, needy bud of my clit. He found it, and his lips closed over it as he gently sucked. I rocked against his face, my nails scoring the headboard as Ian released my earlobe.

I rode Jensen’s face as Ian’s fingers left my hair and circled my chest. He pinched down on my nipples, making me gasp. I arched both up into his masterful grip and down into Jensen’s seasoned mouth below.

“Come for us, my good girl,” Ian commanded, his voice husky and sure. “Come all over Jensen’s face, and when you’re ready … I want you to cream my cock in the same way. When this is all over, Mare, you’re staying with us, and you’re never leaving us again. You’re going to wake up with my cock buried deep in your cunt every fucking morning and you’re going to bed with Jensen’s cock in your mouth and Archer in your ass. How does that sound? I bet you can’t fucking wait.”

I screamed as his fingers twisted my nipples at the same time that Jensen’s tongue burrowed its way into my pussy. My climax came in a ridiculously fast burst of light, seizing my whole body as my muscles tightened and tears leaked out of the corners of my eyes.I want this,I realized. Regardless that Archer wasn’t here to share in this with us, I wanted to wake up every morning with the three of them. I wanted to sleep next to them. Bathe with them. Eat with them.Livewith them. I had missed them and the future we had together. And this … this was only the beginning.