"We were waiting for you to say something," Marvreplied.

"You acted so normal," I said, sighing as I looked over at him. "I didn't even suspect athing."

He smiled at me. Even rumpled looking – in jeans of all things – and a casual button-down, he was incredibly handsome. My stomach fluttered. This was good, though… right? They all knew now. I gulped down a breath, my mind spinning with all of the guilt I had been repressing. Yes, I thought. Thiswasgood. It was better to have it all out in the open. But… could I really do it? Date all of them? I sighed and looked up, meeting their gazes one by one. None of them looked particularly enthusiastic about the idea, but neither did they look horrified. Why would they, though? It wastheiridea. I sighed, dropping my headagain.

There really was only one thing to do. I cared about them. I didn’t want to lose them. The guys –myguys – were just asking for a chance. They had taken a chance on me, afterall.

I looked up into Bellamy’s eyes. He still held my hands and I squeezed his hands back. "Okay," I said. "I'll give this... dating thing atry."

"That's all we ask," Bellamy assured me. "A chance to proveourselves."

"Talk about feeling like the Bachelorette," I said. I didn't even watch that show, but it was one of Erika's favorites which reminded me... "If we're getting everything out there," I said slowly, pulling my hands away from Bellamy and taking a step back in the direction of the stairs. "There's more you need toknow."

"Why do I have a feeling I'm not going to like this?" Marv said with a groan. He slumped into the chair and put a hand over his eyes. I felt bad. We were all tired. But this wasimportant.

"Probably because you're not," I saidhonestly.

Knix's nostrils flared as did his eyes. He reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose as if he were getting a headache. "Alright," he said. "Let's hear it." Knix dropped his hand and rested his palms on his hips, waiting. Texas tilted his head to the side, and Bellamy's brows lowered as he looked atme.

"I've talked toGrayson–"

Marv exploded. "Fucking hell!" Leaping out of his chair, Marv’s chest rose and fell as he stormed across the living room. "Are you serious?!" None of the other guys seemed impressed or even vaguely surprised. I had expected Knix not to be, he probably thought I meant the diner visit. But Bellamy and Texas didn't seem particularly shocked. Marv whirled on Knix. "Did you know about this?" Knix looked at him and put a placating handup.

He sighed, but before he could say anything, I continued on. "I ran into him at the club when I went with Erika," I said quickly. Now, all of them lookedshocked.

"What?" Knix turned away from Marv and his hand dropped. Identical expressions of shock crossed all of theirfaces.

"He was there?" Texas asked. "I didn't even seehim."

"He was gone by the time you got there to pick us up," I said. "He said he was there looking for a friend. I thought he meant me, but... I think he was actually looking for someone else. But he called me again when I was at thecamp."

Bellamy glanced back at Texas in confusion. "I thought you put a block on her phone from hisnumber?"

I narrowed my gaze at the both of them. "You did what?" I shook my head and put my hand up. "You know what? Never mind. Don't answer that. It'll only piss meoff."

"Piss you off?" Marv asked. "What about us? You were seeing Grayson without tellingus."

"I didn't plan it!" I snapped. "You'reoverreacting."

"I'm not overreacting," Marv snappedback.

Bellamy sighed and moved to block us despite the fact that there were several feet of room between the two of us. "Yes," he said. "You are, brother. Just calm down. Let's hear the rest before we say anything else, okay?" Marv and Bellamy shared a heated look, one full of anger and frustration, but he must have gotten through to him because, with a huff, Marv nodded and turned, crossing the room. He folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the far wall, closer to the front windows of the living room. I guessed that was as good as it was going toget.

"Okay," I said. "So, Grayson called me, and he asked me about Erika. I told him the last time that I had seen her was that night at the club." I crossed my arms over my chest and rubbed them before shaking my head. "He said that his brother disappeared from the rehab center he sent him to." There was a deep growl from Marv, but I ignored it. "He said that when he called Erika's cell, her roommate at the college picked up and she said that Erika hadn't been back in a fewdays."

"So, she's missing too?" Texasasked.

I nodded. "At least, we think so. I haven't even called her parents or anything." All eyes but Marv's turned to Knix. Marv's stayed onme.

"When you told us about meeting him in the diner, I thought that would be the end of it," Bellamy said to Knix. My eyes widened, and I jerked my gaze away fromMarv's.

"What?" I asked. I looked at Knix. "You toldthem?"

Knix's nod was interrupted by another growl from Marv. "And you didn't think to tell me?" Marv demanded. His biceps bulged as he gripped either arm in an effort to remain still. He was practically vibrating with his anger. "You don't have a clear head when it comes to him," Knixsaid.

Marv dropped his arms and took a step towards Knix. "You know why that is!" I watched the both of them with wide, confusedeyes.

"That doesn't make your irrational behavior when it comes to Grayson Caruso any less prominent," Knix said. Steel edged his tone. Marv glared at his team leader with anger and a little bit of hurt. That last part made my chest ache because Marv respected Knix. They were teammates, but they were also friends. Everyone else had known but him. I found myself feeling bad about not telling them allsooner.