"Are you ready to go, now?" she asked. I nodded. "Great," she said, snagging my hand and dragging me out of the bedroom into the upper hallway where all of the other girls were gathered with Ms. Enders and Mr. Wallace. Both were dressed professionally, but a bit more spiffed up in a tux and glittering knee length cocktaildress.

Delilah and I caught sight of the twins in matching dresses but opposing colors. Natalia wore a light yellow that went well with her darker skin and Isador wore a dark red that matched the same color painted on her lips. They waved at us as Ms. Enders called everyone'sattention.

"Alright, ladies," she said. She couldn't hide the excitement in her voice and I couldn't believe that I had considered for even a moment that she was the real villain behind the girls' suicides and the blackmail. "This is the night. Each of the escorts has arrived and they are waiting downstairs." We will all be arriving together at the venue. You will stand to the side of your escort and make your way down the staircase in a line. We will practice a few times here before we go. Your friends and family are arriving at the venue as we speak. So, no dilly dallying, are weunderstood?"

"Yes, ma'am," everyone replieddutifully.

With that, she allowed the group of us to ascend the stairs and meet the escorts. I stepped up to the staircase as the girls began to descend and at the very bottom the group of escorts waited. Twin eyes – one pair a thunderous gray and the other an effervescent blue – met mine and my breath caught in my chest. Shivers coursed over my shoulders and down myspine.

"Oh my," Delilah whispered. "I've never had a man look at me like that." She nudged me. "If anything, I think you've got someone interested in you for much more than a dance or two as well." She thought Knix was looking at her and that Marv was interested in... well...hewasinterested in me. But Knix wasn't interested in her. The very thought brought the little green monster back to life and the knowledge that I would soon have to tell the both of them the truth – as well as tell them about what Grayson had said – put a major damper on myfeelings.

I quickly descended the stairs and both of them stepped forward as I arrived at the bottom. "You look beautiful," Marvsaid.

"Yes, Little Bit, you look absolutely lovely," Knix agreed. Then he turned his eyes to Delilah, who blushed under his stare. "And you look just asradiant."

I frowned their way but didn't comment. "Shall we start our practices?" Marv asked, holding out his arm. I smiled and tookit.

When Ms. Enders was satisfied that we were all able to descend the staircase in a line without tripping and causing the rest to fall like dominoes, we were finally allowed to get into the limos and head to the venue. The venue – a place called the Bluestone House – was an antique, country mansion several miles away usually reserved for weddings, but Ms. Enders had a standing reservation each season that she held her camp. As we arrived, I watched out of the window, staring at the twinkling lights dressing the tops of the mansion and the outdoor gazebo in thedistance.

"It'll be fine," Marv whispered, leaning in towards me. I nodded. "Just act natural. You've done your part and gotten us in." My hands balled into fists. It felt like that was all I was here for, to get them in. To be their prop. That wasn't why I was here. I looked at him and shook my head before glancing around the inside of the limo at the rest of thecouples.

"Not here," I whispered back. He tilted his head to the side but sat back inagreement.

When the limo stopped, the guys all exited first and then stood in a line, helping each girl out and then walking her towards the back door. There were already guests inside, mingling, drinking. I could hear the music, the laughter. We were to head up the back staircase and get into formation to be introduced. It was supposed to be like the olden days when young ladies were introduced into society. I didn't really understand it, but for a few of these girls, it was merely a reason to dress up andparty.

For the guys and me, it was a chance to figure out who was behind the blackmailing and also to find out who the target was. My heart thudded against my breast, scared, but also hyped. Adrenaline coursed through my veins. I was ready for this. More than ready, I was downright donewaiting.

"Let's go," Marv said, holding his arm out. I took it and we strode up the back stairwelltogether.

The smell of the old mansion was mustier in the upper floors. The carpet was clean but worn from how many people had trod upon it, and the walls were a washed out white. Still, though, there was a uniqueness about the building. An old soul living in its walls that called to me. It was alive, the building, something that had been there for far longer than I had been alive. So many people had been through this place. I wondered about all of the people that had walked its halls and slept in its rooms as we got into formation. Finally, when Ms. Enders gave the signal and we began to move forward, I glanced back over my shoulder one last time. I could have sworn I saw someone standing in one of the darkened doorways of therooms.