Chapter 15

Even standing in the giant shower stall, the heaviness of the steam coming off of the heated water made me want to stick my head out of the frosted doors for some cold, clean air. Condensation collected on the walls and slowly slid down. I sucked in a heavy breath and held it until it burned in mylungs.

What was I doing?I thought. Not just at Ms. Enders' Etiquette Camp, but...with the guys. What was I doing? I hadn't gotten any sleep in the past few days because all I had been able to think about were the guys. They had started texting and calling me more often. Just to check up on me, they had said. Even Knix. But I knew it was something more. This was what guys who had been interested in Erika had done right before they had starteddating.

My hands shook as I reached for the crystal handles of the shower and turned it off. Grabbing a towel from a nearby rack, I wiped my face and stepped through onto the plush carpet of my bedroom. I found a robe waiting for me in the closet and as I tied it around my waist my phone went off. I sighed, sinking down into the bed as I grabbed it and swiped across the screen lock face, opening it to the newest message. But it wasn't any of the guys this time. I satup.

Unknown:I need yourhelp

I bit my lip, and debated answering. I stared at the phone and deep down, I knew who it was. But did I really want to answer him? Did I want to find out what he really wanted? Grayson was nothing but bad news. I groaned as I typed out a message anyway. If he was so bad, why was I answering him? Oh, that’s right – because he wasn’t always terrible. Because, sometimes, I could see the spark of genuine human emotion in those cool eyes of his. Marv liked to think Grayson was all selfishness and conceded arrogance – personally, I thought Grayson just heightened it to piss the guysoff.

Maybe it was me. Maybe I was the reason that Grayson kept coming back. Highly likely since the guys wanted nothing to do with him.Dumb idea, I thought,that was obvious. Grayson wasn’t texting or calling Marv up in the middle of the night. Oh no, that privilege was reserved for me. I groaned aloud. Whether or not he was complete trouble, I was, apparently, a glutton forpunishment.

Harlow:What do youwant?

Unknown:I know you probably don't want to talk tome.

Before he could complete his next message, I typed a quickreply.



Unknown:Hear meout?



Unknown:It would be better if I could callyou.

I looked around the room. If I kept my voice down, it didn't have to be an issue. I just needed to make sure to stay away from the walls, doors, and windows. Where I was sitting was the best place anyway. I sighed and clicked the call button and put the phone to my ear. Grayson answered on the firstring.

"I didn't think you'd say yes," was his immediateresponse.

"What do you want?" I asked. "And what happened to your oldphone?"

"It broke and..." He sighed, and the sound was tired. "Josh disappeared from the rehab yesterday," hesaid.

I gasped. "Does Erika know?" I'd have to call the guys. I'd have to tell Knix. If Erika didn't know, she'd bedevastated.

"I already called her," Grayson admitted. "I figured hers would be the first place he'd try togo."

"And?" I waited with batedbreath.

"He wasn'tthere..."

"Crap." More than crap. This was so much more thancrap.

"She wasn't there either, Harlow," Graysonsaid.

"What?" I crossed my legs and pressed the phone closer to my ear, not quite sure what hemeant.

"I called her cell and it was in her room at the college she's at," Grayson saidslowly.

"Yea? So, she didn't answer, is that what you mean?" Iguessed.

"No," he replied. "I mean, I called. Her roommate answered and when I talked to her she said that Erika hadn't been by in a fewdays."