"I–um–the chair's wobbly," I saiddefensively.

Texas raised a brow, but Mom merely shrugged. "Well, dear, I think it's almost time for my afternoon nap," she said. "The chemo really takes a lot out of me these days, but my new doctor says I shouldn't have to go through it anymore after this nextround."

It was my turn to raise a brow. "None at all?" I asked, skeptically. I was afraid to be toohopeful.

"Well, he said that we would see if I was strong enough," shereplied.

I chuckled, though it pained me to do so. If only we could have seen what was going on inside of her before it was too late. Then maybe she wouldn't be in the care center atall.

Texas and I stood and gave our goodbyes. I leaned over and kissed the top of my mom's head and she patted my hand. As we walked out, I tried to catch sight of the strange nurse, but other than a few patients and their family members, there were no care center employees in thelobby.

As we got into the SUV, my phone buzzed in my back pocket. Texas glanced over as he started the engine. "Marv or Bellamy?" heasked.

"Neither," I said opening the text. "Erika."

Erika:Got a call from Josh today, he's doingfine.

Since Erika's boyfriend – ex-thief and drug addict – had been in rehab, quite a few things had changed. It was less than six weeks ago, but Erika was already in college, having chosen to start her summer classes early, and I was moved in with the guys. The Iris Boys I liked to call them. I almost felt like Wendy surrounded by her lost boys. I couldn't picture any of them being Peter Pan though, or wearing greentights.

Harlow:That's great! I'm glad you got to hear fromhim.

Erika:I'm going to go see him when he's allowedvisitors.

Harlow:Want me to go withyou?

I was sure she didn't, but it felt like the right thing to say and I wouldn't mind going if it made her more comfortable. Erika responded quicklythough.

Erika:No, it'll be okay. Gotta go, class isstarting.

Just as I was about to put my phone away, it buzzed again, and I wondered if she had neglected to tell me something or changed her mind, but when I pulled it back up and opened my messages again, a new number popped up. Curious, I clicked on the new text andread.

Unknown:Been a long time, Baby. Do you know how hard it is to get your number thesedays?

Almost immediately I could guess who it was. I rolled my eyes and typed a quickreply.

Harlow:Are you playing a scared evil villain now? And yea, the guys changed my number for a reason. Looks like I'll have to memorize a new one. Thanks alot.

Grayson:Think you can get away from your boyfriends for a fewhours?

I snarled at the phone, earning a glance from Texas. I quickly smoothed out my expression and typed my reply as calmly as Icould.


I knew Texas wasn't nearly as distrustful of Grayson as Marv and Bellamy were, but I was pretty sure if he knew I was texting him, he'd demand my phone. And since it technically wasn’t mine anyway, I would feel obligated to give it tohim.

Grayson:Aw, did you get dumped? I'll heal your woundedheart.

I breathed through my nose, shoving back the urge to maim andkill.

Harlow:I hateyou.

There, that was a completely reasonable response. I nodded to myself. Texas turned into the driveway to the house and my phone buzzed oncemore.

Grayson:Hate is very close tolove.

He sent a second text almost immediately afterthat.

Grayson:But seriously, we need totalk.

I bit my lip, wondering what to say. Marv and Bellamy would automatically say no. Texas would just direct me to Knix. He would be the only one who could overrule the others. I sighed and bent my head over my phone toreply.

Harlow:I'll see what I cando.

Texas hit the garage door opener and pulled in right next to Marv's half repainted BMW. My phone shook in my hand and I glanced at thescreen.

Grayson:Away from yourboyfriends.

I rolled my eyes and got out of thecar.