Later that night, I was lying face down on my bed with my phone in hand. The guys had continued to text me throughout the day. At first, it was mostly just Texas and Marv, but then later it was all four of them. They were inconspicuous. I knew they were being careful just in case anyone managed to snag my phone while I was here. Mostly just "I miss you's," and "can we talk soon's?" Anyone who did look through my phone would think that I was aplayer.

I jerked as that thought entered my mind, and turned over, curling on my side. They wouldn't be wrong, I realized. Iwasa player. I had kissed three of my guys and if I was honest, I didn't think I would mind it if Texas kissed me. He was sweet and, at least some of the time, a cute sneaky trickster. He could make me laugh and cuddle me at the same time. I remembered after I had met that girl at the dance club, the one that had motivated me to come here in the first place, Texas had been so sweet. I loved hearing about his grandparents. He sounded like he cared about them a lot. I barely knew anything about any of them and I found myself wanting to knowmore.

My phone buzzed again, and I leaned up to set it on my nightstand before turning away. I knew if I answered, I would only get mad again. I didn't want to say anything that I would feel bad about later. A few minutes later, though, something tapped against my window. At first, I ignored it, picturing a stray branch scraping at the glass, but then I remembered there were no trees against the villa at all. I catapulted myself out of bed and went to the window, popping it open to lookaround.

A lone figure moved out from the side of the building and my eyes widened. "What are you doing here, Bellamy?!" I hissed as loud as Idared.

"Heard you were mad and you're not answering our texts," he whispered back. "Can I comeup?"

"Are you crazy?" I snapped. "What if someone seesyou?"

But it was too late, Bellamy was already against the building, gripping the vines and scaling the rocky side of the villa. My eyes widened in shock as I watched him move. He was quick and graceful for such a broad-shouldered guy. He moved with determination as he grabbed at edges and bricks that jutted out from the side of the wall. I backed up as he neared my window, suddenly feeling grateful that I had been too lazy to change into my sleep clothes because I wondered if this meant we were sneaking out somewhere. When his hands gripped the sill and he dragged himself up, squeezing just barely through the frame, I backed up even more, watching him tumble inside. He knocked into my nightstand sending my phone clattering to the floor and the both of usfroze.

"Check the hall," he whispered, lying flat next to the bed. I knew he could disappear under the bed frame and mattresses and be out of sight in a second if he needed to. I did as he told me and quickly went to the bedroom door, creaking it open to check up and down the hall. It was the middle of the night, and all of the girls were likely already in bed, asleep. I would be too if it hadn't been for my mind keeping me awake. I quickly shut the door and turned back to Bellamy who took my silence to mean that all was well. He popped up from the floor and brushed off his clothes – jeans with a ripped knee and a dark toned t-shirt.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked. "You could be caught. You shouldn't be here. Does Knix know that you're here?" When he blanched, I narrowed my gaze at him. "He doesn't know, does he? Where does he think youare?"

Bellamy grimaced, rubbing a wide hand down the back of his head, mussing his long dark strands. He had left it down. I was surprised it hadn't caught in the vines as he had climbed up the side of the building. "He thinks I'm out getting food and refilling the car," Bellamyadmitted.

I crossed my arms. "And what would he say if he knew you were here?" Idemanded.

Bellamy sighed and looked at the floor. "Look, I know he'd be pissed, but I had to see you." His dark chocolate eyes met mine and I felt myself melting. I tried – I really did – to keep my gaze narrowed and my stance strong. But it was hard with those puppy dog eyes of his. I sighed and moved across the room to my bed. He followed, sitting next to me as I climbed onto themattress.

"I'm still a new to this," I said, "but even I know that you shouldn't behere."

"I parked in the woods. They don't have security guards or a system on the upper windows," hereplied.

"And if someone heard you?" I raised myeyebrows.

He shrugged. "They'd think you got lucky." I rolled my eyes as he reached for me, pulling me into his chest. I sighed as his arms wrapped around me. "I missed you, Sweetheart," he said, his breath tickling myhair.

"I'm mad at you." My words had no heat and were muffled against his shirt. He smelled like cinnamon and something else. I wrinkled my nose because the second smell was starchier, and coffee infused. Coffee smelled good on Marv – but this smelled like burnt coffee. It wasn’t like Bellamy’s scent at all. I wondered, briefly, where he had been before climbing through mywindow.

Bellamy pulled away slightly. "Why are you mad? Tex and Marv said that youcalled."

"They wouldn't tell me where you were." I meant to say where he and Knix were, but somehow only he had slippedout.

Bellamy moved back against the pillows and pulled me with him until we were both on our sides, facing each other. "They weren't allowed to tell anyone," he said quietly. "We didn't expect you to call. Alex has been checking in regularly, though, and Knix wanted to keep it fromhim."

"So..." I said, looking up at him through my lashes. "Will you tellme?"

Bellamy was quiet for another moment as he reached up and brushed my hair back, tucking it behind my ear. I shivered as his fingertips brushed the top of my ear and then my cheek, down to my chin and then my neck. "Knix was setting up a meeting with Ms. Enders," he admitted. "And I was meeting with some people in the localtown."

"Knix was here?" I asked, shocked. "When? Ishe–"

"No, he's not here anymore. He's back at the hotel with the others. He was just asking about how you are adjusting and doing some subtlequestioning."

"He was getting her side?" Iasked.

"Knix was seeing how she would react to the rumors." Bellamy’s eyes dipped down to mine again and he smiled. He was so beautiful when he smiled. I knew most guys wouldn't like to be called that, but he was. His eyes sparkled and crinkled, and it lit up his whole face. I loved it when he smiled. I sighed, relaxing further into the bedding. Even though I knew it was wrong that he was there and that he was probably going to get into trouble when Knix found out – because there were no secrets, Bellamy would tell him – I was still happy he was there. I curled closer to him, soaking in his warmth in the cold glimmeringroom.

There were no secrets between the guys...I thought. My eyes blinked open and I looked up at Bellamy again. His eyes were on mine immediately. I wanted to ask if he had told them. If he had told Knix or Texas or Marv about what had happened between us in the BMW. The words dried up in my mouth. Bellamy dipped his head, leaning close. His breath brushed over mylips.

He whispered, "Tell me to stop." I blinked. I opened my mouth. I tried. Nothing came out. "Please, Sweetheart," he begged, shifting closer. My hand touched his chest and he groaned. "If you don't tell me to stop..." he let the sentence drift. I couldn't, I realized. I couldn't tell him to stop because I didn't want him to. I wanted him to kiss me so much that I couldn't even wait for him to do ithimself.

I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. He groaned under their ministrations. I licked the seam of his mouth and gently pressed in. His mouth opened, and he kissed me back. Strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me close until I was lying on top of him. I gasped as my legs lowered on either side of his hips to straddle him. He sat up, one hand coming up to grip the back of my head and hold me to him. Both of my hands were tangled in his t-shirt. I had to let go, Iknew.

One of my hands slid up, wrapping around his neck. I wanted to touch his hair. To grip it. Not many guys had long hair. His shoulder length, dark locks were like a present for me. My other hand drifted up to it and I ran my fingertips through the strands. They were silky, like he had recently showered. I shuddered as Bellamy bit down lightly on my bottom lip. His tongue snaked its way into my mouth and Imoaned.