"I would be honored." Together, Delilah and her friends – Natalia and Isador Sevilla, who I learned were sisters related to some distant lesser nobility in Spain – showed me through what was referred to as the grand hall where the foyer morphed into a larger hallway on the ground floor. Several French inspired doors led off into various rooms: a ballroom, a library, and astudy.

"Ladies," a petite woman in a midnight blue pantsuit greeted us at the door with a clipboard. Natalia and Isador, who I learned were more reserved and conservative than their friend, merely nodded and rushedby.

Delilah moved a bit slower. "Good afternoon, Ms. Enders," she said before breezingpast.

I paused and took a second to look at the woman. So, this was the mysterious benefactor and instructor of Ms. Ender's Etiquette Camp for Refined Young Ladies. "I assume you must be our new arrival, Miss Hampton?" She tipped her head in my direction, a pen poised at her clipboard. I nodded. "Well, you'll be at table eleven. All tables have their numbers and name placements. You should be able to find yourseat."

I examined her and as I did, noticed she did the same to me. Her flat, blue eyes roamed over my dress with a bland look and her mouth pinched in at the side as if she didn't appreciate what she saw. "Yes, ma'am," I replied. "Thankyou."

I moved past her and through a room that equaled the rest of the villa in opulence and extravagance. It seemed that Ms. Enders' certainly liked her home with as much luxury as she could afford. I wondered how much the guys had to pay in order for me to attend this camp ofhers.

I found my seat, as she had directed, at the back of the room, towards the far windows that overlooked the same gardens as my bedroom. The table was already mostly filled. The Sevilla sisters were there, though it looked like Delilah had been seated at a table closer to the front, along with a mousy girl with her nose buried in a book. I smirked when I recognized it was a new bestseller.

I took my seat. Just as I was about to say something, there was a ringing noise from the front of the room. I watched as Ms. Enders stepped up alongside her personal assistant, Mr. Wallace. Together, they made a striking pair. Though it was obvious that Mr. Wallace was older, Ms. Enders' strait-laced persona complimented his. I glanced at the remaining empty seat at the table curiously, but now was not the time toask.

Ms. Enders spoke. “Good afternoon, ladies. First of all, I would like to remind everyone that tomorrow’s lesson will begin in the ballroom and not in the garden as per usual. I have requested a few gentlemen stop by with the instructor as we go through what is expected when dancing at the functions I will be preparing youfor.”

As she continued on, I watched the surrounding faces reflect two reactions: one, bored as hell and two, enraptured by the idea of social gatherings and society functions. I started to wonder if someone had dropped me a couple hundred years in the past. Ms. Enders spoke of her lessons as though they were the key to a perfect life. She stressed the importance of her lessons – learning how to dance, how to make polite conversation, which utensils to use at which time for which meal. I glanced down at my place setting at the table, trying not to show mypanic.

One of the Sevilla sisters – Natalia – noticed. She leaned over. “Don’t worry,” she whispered in her perfect English. “Most of the American girls here aren’t familiar with place ware. Ms. Enders is sure to go overthat.”

I nodded gratefully, but inside I was still confused. Why did any of this stuff matter? I turned back towards Ms. Enders and continued to give the illusion that I was paying attention. I was distracted, however, when the doors opened again and Margarie – the woman who had shown me to my room – and the other woman who had taken my luggage appeared, leading several other women dressed in much the same clothing. There were thirteen of them total, and each carried heavy trays of antique silver tea kettles and their matching milk and sugar holders. Not one of them hesitated as they strode through the room with their burdens. The one who came to our table was a brown skinned woman with a soft and clear complexion. She set the tray down in the center of the table before turning and stepping back against the far wall with the rest of thewomen.

“Now,” Ms. Enders called brightly, “let usbegin.”

* * *

“That was quite possiblythe most painful lesson I’ve ever had,” I couldn’t help but say as Natalia, Isador, and Delilah moved out into the hall withme.

Delilah laughed, the sound beautiful and tinkling. "Oh, you haven't seen anything yet," shepromised.

I grimaced. I hadn't seen anything yet, she was right, but I could just imagine and that was badenough.

"No," Delilah said when she caught my expression, "trust me, as unlikely as it sounds, she can and will getworse."

"You sound like you're talking from experience," I saidcuriously.

Natalia and Isador giggled as Delilah shrugged. "I've been here a couple of times. My mom's one of Ms. Enders' friends. She's been sending me and my sisters here for ages. Lucky for them, they're all married now or overseas or working. I'm all on my ownnow."

"You're not on your own," Natalia spoke up, reaching for Delilah's arm. "We're here withyou."

Delilah shot her and her sister a smile. "Thank you." She said, straightening her shoulders. "But soon it won't matter. This is my last year at these stupidcamps."

"Oh?" Iasked.

Delilah nodded, smiling brightly now. "I'm going to Greece in August," she admitted. "My parents are going to let me do an exchange program for my senior year and then I'll be off to college. The exchange program will keep me from coming here during the winter." Her pretty face blanched. "If you can believe it, it's even worsethen."

Just as I covered my mouth to stifle a laugh, a firm voice called our attention. "Ladies." I slowly turned and took in Ms. Enders as she approached, her trusty clipboard in hand. I looked at it curiously. "I trust you will practice what you have learned today with each other in your freetime."

"Yes, Ms. Enders," Natalia, Isador, and Delilah said in unison. I jumped and mumbled thesame.

Ms. Enders watched the four of us and, for some reason, I got the strange sensation that she was looking for something. But then her gaze landed on Delilah for an extended period of time. "Lilah," she said, her voice lowering and gentling into a friendlier tone, though her eyes remained razor sharp, "you seemed to have some trouble remembering to keep your back straight while you were sitting in your seat today. I would expect someone who has been taking my lessons for as long as you have to set a betterexample."

I watched as Delilah's face flamed red, the blush stealing across her cheeks. Though she didn't glance to me or the twins, it was obvious she was incredibly embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Ms. Enders," she said quietly. "I'll remember from nowon."

"See that you do, dear," Ms. Enders said. "Especially since this will be your last cotillion withus."

Ms. Enders strode away with Mr. Wallace, who I hadn't noticed standing just behindher.